Citizen Portal – FSM/Transport applications can be submitted for a school that is not the child’s current school (3.72)


When applying for Free School Meals and Transport, a school that is not the child’s current school can be selected. Where a child does not have a current school (eg where a child has been added through a School Place application) a school may also be selected.


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Summary screen showing FSM claimed for a school that is not the current school

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Examples of: Child with no current school / Child moving to another school

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Summary screen showing chosen school

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Wales only

Welsh values for the following text resources may need amending for the updated function:

Citizen Portal Admin | Administration | Edit Site Texts | Transport:

  • Application_Another_Base_Option_Title
  • Application_Base_Option_Title
  • Default_School
  • Display_BaseId


Documents Updated

Free School Meals Citizen Portal Handbook

Transport Online Citizen Portal Handbook


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