Early Years – Authorised Payments to Providers can be Split into Monthly Payments (3.77)

Description Local Authorities are now able to pay providers monthly without the need to generate a new task each time. New functionality has been created to split authorised payments into non- editable equal amounts that total the authorised payment. Once split, the action cannot be undone. Where the amount cannot breakdown equally, the final payment is adjusted accordingly. For example: […]

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Statutory Early Years – EYFSP Census (3.77)

Description This release supports the following changes to the 2022 return: Roll-over of dates Filenames updated Where Component G01 – G17 is recorded, a validation message is displayed  stating that these results are invalid All validations relating to the acceptable result values for G01-G17 have been removed Links Early Years Foundation Stage Profile Handbook Helpfile updated Census Dates

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Statutory – Early Years Census 2022 (3.76)

Description This release supports the changes to the Early Years Census 2022 The Census date is 20th Jan 2022 Census Date, Collection dates and Submission dates have been updated. The system will use the DfE provided XSD schema files to validate the generated data. The age range included in the collection are: A 2-year-old has a date of birth between […]

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Statutory – New import file specification for importing new Aspects of EYFSP (3.74)

Description Due to Covid-19 Pandemic, the DfE have cancelled the EYFSP data return. Local Authorities will not export the EYFSP assessment return for any maintained school or private, voluntary and independent early years setting. However, some schools can still provide the assessment result files to their Local Authorities. Therefore, we have made provision in our system to support only the […]

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