Portals/v4 Client/Statutory England ONLY – Changes to Sex, Gender and Gender Identity (3.81)

Description v4 Client Unknown (U) is available in the Sex/Gender dropdown in all the screens where this field is available for Person/Student. Portals Gender renamed to Sex (Citizen Portal only). Gender, Gender Identity and Gender Identity Description are imported from Citizen Portal to One Education Client/v4 Client as appropriate. This includes sibling gender. Statutory exports ATF v20 Student/Parent/Carer Gender values […]

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Citizen Portal – Accessibility Improvements (3.79)

Description The Citizen Portal accessibility has been updated to improve usability. For example: Mandatory fields display an asterisk TYOF Non Economic criteria selection: All the required fields for the non economic criteria selection are grouped together and an asterisk is added after Select all that apply.   Pages linked from Site footer Previously, all of the pages linked from the […]

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Citizen Portal – Changes made to Eligibility Check screens (3.78)

Description An FSM applicant only sees the not found qualifier on the eligibility result screen e.g. No trace – check data; Pending; Manual process etc. Once the user clicks away from this screen there is no further communication detailing the result qualifier, so all an applicant knows is they’re not eligible. Users are now advised as to the full status […]

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Citizen Portal – Application Conditions available on Free School Meals Administration (3.78)

Description An Application conditions tile has been added to the Free School Meals Administration section of the Administration page. This allows LAs to manage conditions applied to FSM applications. Select the tile to display the following: Allow/Prevent Multiple Applications now checks on the Claim Status rather than ECS Status of an application. An upper and/or lower boundary to applications based […]

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