Early Years – Self Update – Providers have new filters and Services now indicate Funded (3.71)

Description   Provider and Services – Self Update screens have been updated with new functionality. Provider – Self Update This screen now has 3 new filters Provider Portal | Self Update Admin | Providers 1. Show Only Closed Providers List Providers who are active and In-active. By default the screen displays: Active Providers Providers with future opening date Providers who […]

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Portal Back Office – Portal DPR updated against Carers attributes (3.71)

Description The Data Processing Rules for Portal submissions have been amended to prevent specified carers attributes being selected as ‘Don’t Import’ against any base. The attributes where the rules are imposed are: Carer Address Details – PORTALS Carer Details – PORTALS Forename Surname Gender Carer Relationship Parental Responsibility B2B:Student | Setup | DPR   If any of these fields were […]

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Citizen Portal WALES Only – References to CY-GB now display as CY (3.71)

Description Where previously Welsh references were displayed as CY-GB, these now display as CY. Documents Updated One Early Years – 30 Hour Entitlement Citizen Portal Handbook Early Years – Two Year Old Funding Citizen Portal Handbook Free School Meals Citizen Portal Handbook School Places Citizen Portal Handbook SEND Citizen Portal Administration Handbook Training Manager Courses Citizen Portal Handbook Transport Online Citizen […]

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Citizen Portal WALES Only – When editing Resource Descriptions, the Resource Culture now shows EN or CY (3.71)

Description The Resource Descriptions are individual dialogs that enable administrators to manage the text that is available to users in many areas of the Citizen Portal. Select Administration | General Administration | Edit Resources to display the Resource Configuration Title page. The default option is English (en). Click the Welsh tab to display the Welsh (cy) descriptions. When editing resource descriptions, […]

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