Statutory Early Years – EYFSP Census (3.82)

Description This release supports the following changes to the 2024 return: Roll-over of dates Filenames updated <Gender> now replaced with <Sex> EYFSP Early Adopter Fasttrack and EYFSP Early Adopter Manual import specifications updated so that <Gender> is replaced with <Sex> Links Early Years Foundation Stage Profile Handbook

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Statutory KS1 (Locale 1) – Key Stage 1 Assessments (3.82)

Description This release supports the following changes to the 2024 return: There are no changes to KS1 Assessments other than yearly changes. Therefore, you should use the Tools | Administration | Attainment Projects Calendar Year Update function to update the assessments tables without upgrading the whole system. Roll-over of dates. Link to DfE website updated.

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Statutory KS1 (Locale 1) – KS1 Phonics Screening Check (3.82)

Description This release supports the following changes to the 2024 return: Gender is replaced by Sex Yearly changes You should use the Tools | Administration | Attainment Projects Calendar Year Summary function to update the Phonics tables without upgrading the whole system. Data collection week commencing Monday 10 June 2024. Link to DfE website updated Helpfile Updated Data Collection

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Statutory Wales – PLASC Attendance Return (3.82)

Description The Welsh Government has changed the reference dates for ATS and ATP attendance collections as follows: Secondary (ATS): 2024-05-24 Primary school (ATP): 2024-07-22 The following is updated for pupils and leavers: <UniqueLearnerNumber> <Sex> Links Helpfile updated Supported versions

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Portals/v4 Client/Statutory England ONLY – Changes to Sex, Gender and Gender Identity (3.81)

Description v4 Client Unknown (U) is available in the Sex/Gender dropdown in all the screens where this field is available for Person/Student. Portals Gender renamed to Sex (Citizen Portal only). Gender, Gender Identity and Gender Identity Description are imported from Citizen Portal to One Education Client/v4 Client as appropriate. This includes sibling gender. Statutory exports ATF v20 Student/Parent/Carer Gender values […]

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Statutory – Alternative Provision Census 2024 (3.81)

Description This release supports the following changes to the AP (Alternative Provision) Census 2024 Return: The Census period is from 21 January 2023 to 18 January 2024 If the system date is on or after 1st September 2023: The <ReferenceDate> will be 2024-01-18 The <Year> will be 2024 The <DateTime> year section will be 2024-01-18 The <GenderCurrent> (N00065) data item […]

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Statutory – Early Years Census 2023 (3.81)

Description This release supports the changes to the Early Years Census 2024: The Census date is 18th Jan 2024 Census Date, Collection dates and Submission dates have been updated. The system will use the DfE provided XSD schema files to validate the generated data. The <GenderCurrent> (N00065) data item has been replaced by the new <Sex> (N00783) data item. This […]

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Statutory – School Census 2023/2024 Return (England Specific) (3.81)

Description This release supports the changes to School Census 2023/2024 Return. Schema changes in this release Changed: PupilOnRoll / PupilsNoLongerOnRoll > PupilIdentifiers | Gender to Sex Added: PupilOnRoll / PupilsNoLongerOnRoll > Attendance > TermlyAttendance > SessionsEducational PupilOnRoll / PupilsNoLongerOnRoll > Attendance > TermlyAttendance > SessionsExceptional PupilOnRoll / PupilsNoLongerOnRoll > Attendance > SummerHalfTerm2Attendance > SessionsEducational PupilOnRoll / PupilsNoLongerOnRoll > Attendance > […]

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