Statutory Statutory CBDS – Home Religion (3.80.100)

Description Home Religion codes have changed. Tools | Administration | Lookups | Table_ID 0083 Home Religion The following code has been added: CODE_DES EXT_CODE No Religion NR The following codes are set to inactive: CODE_DES EXT_CODE No Religion NO Other Religion OT Refused RF  

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Statutory – School Census 2023/2024 Return (England Specific) (3.80.100)

Description This release supports the changes to School Census 2023/2024 Return. New file specification English Census AY 2023/24 for Academic year 2023/2024 Able to import school census 2023 Autumn, 2024 Spring and 2024 Summer terms collections GOV.UK links School Census School census 2023 to 2024 technical information Helpfile updated Supported Versions

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Statutory CTF – Common Transfer File (3.80.100)

Description This release supports the following changes for imports, exports including CML/CMJ files: This release supports both CTF23 and CTF22. If a CTF file that has a file version other than 23 or 22 is imported then the system will display the following error message in Focus | Data Store | Errors:               CTF is not an expected version. Proceeding […]

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