Youth Justice – New Countersignature functionality for AssetPlus (3.72)

Description The Countersignature functionality in the software has been improved to enable Sign-Off requests to be managed more effectively for Practitioners and Managers. The key features are: Request Sign Off A practitioner can select which section or sections they would like to request sign off for (Explanations and Conclusions, Pathways and Planning, or both) A practitioner can also select who […]

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IYSS – NCCIS Checker Tool (v1.1.0)

Description 2020-21 Rule changes Installation instructions Installation instructions are now included as the install guide is no longer being published. September Guarantee error codes New September Guarantee error codes have been added to prevent LAs recording a Y12 code against a Y11 aged young person and to inform LAs when a young person is either too young or too old […]

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