Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: PNLD Offence list updated to v5.2 (3.83)

Description The PNLD (Police National Legal Database) Offence list has been updated to v5.2. Changes to v5.2 (from v5.1.1) Introduction of the following new offences which may be relevant to young people: New offences relating to the production, import, supply and possession of Nitrous Oxide as Class C substance, under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (MD71609, MD71609A, MD71610, MD71610A, […]

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Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: Changes to support KPI Tables (3.83)

Description KPI1 – Accommodation To identify which remands resulted in custodial sentence Remands that resulted in a custodial sentence need to be excluded from the count.  To identify these, a new value of custodial sentence has been added to the existing Outcome field within the Intervention Programme details screen. Any remands that result in a custodial sentence should have custodial […]

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Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: KPI1 Accommodation Suitability – new Overall Accommodation Suitability page (3.82)

Description Whether or not an accommodation is suitable, is a professional judgement.  Young people can have multiple addresses active at any given time and each of those addresses could change from being suitable to not suitable and vice versa repeatedly over time.  With this in mind, YJB statutory returns and KPIs require a professional judgement of the ‘overall’ accommodation suitability […]

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Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: KPIs 3-5 New section added to YJ case view called Personal Needs (3.82)

Description A new Personal Needs section has been added to the YJ Client View under the existing Carer Contacts. In the new Personal Needs section you can record all the information required to report YJB KPIs 3, 4 and 5: Special Education Needs (SEN) / Additional Learning Needs (ALN) Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Substance Misuse Click new/change on the Personal […]

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Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: KPI2 Education, Training and Employment – Enumerations for Provision Type (3.82)

Description When recording a history of the young person’s ETE placement details, the Provision Type can now be recorded from the list of YJB specified values. Where provision types exist in shared fields in Asset Plus the updated values display in the following areas: Core record, Bail and Recommendation Personal Family and Social Factors Custody If Other (Please Specify) is […]

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Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: KPI7 Wider Services – screen changes in Client Summary change page (3.82)

Description A new Wider Services section added under the existing Immigration Status section on the Client Summary change page. You can now add multiple Care Status records in line with the 2023/24 YJB requirements specified values. Click new to display the following: YJB specified enumerations Care Status Type Accommodated Under an Agreed Series of Short-Term Breaks (Voluntary accommodation Wales) Accommodated […]

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