Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: New Activity Types for YROs and Referral Orders (3.82)

Description As specified in the 2023/24 YJB requirements, the following Activity Types can be recorded against Youth Rehabilitation Orders and Referral Orders when recording outcomes against a court appearance: Restorative justice involving contact with the victim Community reparation activity (e.g. short-term or one-off volunteering in a local service) Training or skills-based activity Engagement with peer support Activity involving wider family […]

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Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: KPI Tables (3.83)

Description A new option for KPI Tables has been added to the IYSS Links section of my homepage. Although the tables themselves have all been developed and included in this release, development on the logic to calculate and populate these tables with data, is still ongoing. The KPI tables automatically populate with data from the latest YJMIS run and each […]

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YJ – When initiating case transfers, issues with the build or service are identified so that case transfers do not fail (3.81)

Description Case transfers can fail when components are missing or named incorrectly, or a service is unavailable. This creates high priority cases that take time and resource to resolve. This release includes a change to identify when there is a problem that can cause case transfers to fail: Build specific error message Case Transfer build is not configured correctly, please […]

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IYSS & YJ England ONLY – Changes to Sex, Gender and Gender Identity (3.80.102)

Description The following Sex and Gender changes have been made: Gender field renamed to Sex The Gender field has been renamed to Sex in the following areas: IYSS/YJ Client Summary panel IYSS/YJ Client Summary Change page Client Search page New Client (Simple and Standard) creation page Add New/Change Carer page New Client Request page This is a web frontend only […]

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