Add Online Special Reason Labels and Descriptions

If any of the special reasons are to be available for online applicants to select, you must add labels and descriptions.

  1. Select a transfer group.
  2. Open the Sub Groups tab and click a sub group's View Details hyperlink to display to display additional information relating to that sub group
  3. Open the Special Reasons section to display the available special reasons and their associated codes.
  4. Click the Edit hyperlink for a particular special reason to display the Label and Description fields.
  5. Enter an appropriate Label and Description.
    • Avoid the use of any jargon, internal codes or abbreviations.
    • If more than one code has been added for a special reason, applicants must select a code from a drop-down list, so it may be appropriate to include this instruction in the description.
  6. Click the Save button to save your changes.