Applicant / LA Reasons

The following reasons can be selected:

  • Named SchoolNamed School

    Select this check box if the student has a statement of special educational needs and this is the named school on the statement. One takes into consideration whether or not Named School is chosen as an oversubscription criterion on the Process | Transfer Groups | Sub Groups tab.

  • Public CarePublic Care

    Indicates whether the applicant has stated that the student is in Public Care. If this is selected as an oversubscription criterion on the Process | Transfer Groups | Sub Groups tab, then the student is preferentially allocated. The name of the Care Authority is imported but may be edited if necessary.
    If the student is currently In Public Care (indicated on the Student Details page), then the Local Authority responsible must be displayed when a preference is added.

  • SiblingSibling

    Select this check box if the applicant has indicated that the student has a sibling currently attending the receiver or a linked receiver. If a sibling link is to be used for allocation, then the details of the sibling and the school number (if the sibling attends a linked school), should be entered via the Current Siblings dialog. This dialog is opened by clicking on the magnifying glass next to the Sibling check box.
    When you open the Current Siblings window, any entered or selected siblings are listed at the top. Click Edit to see more of the sibling's details or edit the linked school number.

  • CatchmentCatchment

    Automatically selected if Use GIS has been specified for the transfer group and the student's address is within the catchment of the receiver base. Catchment operates for both GIS and Postcode catchments.

  • Distance (Applicant's Reason)Distance (Applicant's Reason)

    Select this check box if the applicant has indicated home-school distance as a preference reason.

  • Distance (LA Reason)Distance (LA Reason)

    The distance from the student's registered correspondence address or admission address to the receiver.
    In most cases the admission address is the same as the current correspondence address. However, there are some exceptions to this rule, for example in the case of returning Service or Crown Servant Personnel. You can choose whether to run the A&T processes on the basis of correspondence address or admission address for each transfer group by setting the Use Admission Address check box on Process | Transfer Groups | Details.
    A distance need only be entered if Distance has been chosen as one of the selection criteria on the Allocation Algorithm sub-tab of Tools | Module Administration | Transfer Groups and the applicant has selected Distance from Home as a preference reason. Distances can be calculated automatically during pre-offer processing.

  • Feeder LinkFeeder Link

    A check box that is automatically selected if the student's registered feeder base is linked to the receiver and the Feeder Receiver process has been run May be de-selected if required.

  • SocialSocial

    Select this check box if the applicant has indicated that there is a social reason for their preference.

  • MedicalMedical

    Select this check box if the applicant has indicated that they wish to apply to the school on medical grounds.

  • Social/MedicalSocial/Medical

    Can only be selected by LAs. Select this check box to indicate that the Local Authority from whom a file has been received will send further social or medical information about the selected student.
    If you are the sending Local Authority, select this box to inform the Local Authority to whom the file is being sent that you will send further social or medical information about the selected student. Optionally, you can store the additional information in One using the linked files facility, from where you can either send the information in the form of an email or send paper copies in the post.

  • ReligionReligion

    Select this check box if the applicant has indicated that they wish to apply to the school on religious grounds. Use the lookup table to select the faith of the school.

  • Ease of TravelEase of Travel

    Tick this box if the applicant has indicated ease of travel as a reason for their preference.

  • School GenderSchool Gender

    If the applicant has indicated School Gender as a reason for their preference for this school, select the gender of the school intake (Co-Ed, Female or Male) from the lookup table. The intake gender can later be validated against the gender of the student.

  • Specialist SchoolSpecialist School

    If the applicant has indicated that they prefer this school because it is a specialist school, select the specialism(s) of the school by clicking on the magnifying glass. The number of specialisms that have been selected is indicated. The selected specialisms can later be validated against the selections made by the applicant.

  • SelectiveSelective

    Select this check box if the applicant has indicated that they prefer this school because it is a selective school. This can later be validated against the base details.

  • OtherOther

    Select this check box if the applicant has selected the Other Reason check box and provided supporting information.

  • Special ReasonsSpecial Reasons

    Click the magnifying glass to open the Select a Special Reason dialog. This dialog enables you to choose the special reasons as indicated by the applicant. You can choose from the special reasons for this sub group alone, or for the whole transfer group. Special reasons are weighted according to points assigned on the Process | Transfer Groups | Sub Groups tab and may be used to determine the allocation rank of a student. Up to three special reasons may be used.
    The Special Reason memos are linked, so the Applicant and Local Authority memos are the same.

    If you wish to consider a further special reason and are not allocating on the basis of test mark then you can use the Test Results field to add an additional reason. To do so, enter the weighting of the additional special reason into the Test Results field and select Test Mark as an oversubscription criterion on the Process | Transfer Groups | Sub Groups tab.

  • Staff ChildStaff Child

    Select this check box if the applicant has indicated that they are applying for a place for a child of a member of staff working at the preference school. This must be verified by the Local Authority.