Explanation of the Final Transfer Process

The Final Transfer creates a new record in the school history of each student.

Where no School History record with a registered base exists for a student, then the Final Transfer process creates a School History record for that student for their allocated receiver base.

The registered base for each student is updated to the receiver school for all students in the transfer group with an allocated receiver base for whom the following circumstances do not apply:

  • If a student has an existing School History record with a start date on or after the start date on the Final Transfer Details window at a registered base that does not match the allocated base, then the Final Transfer routine writes the following message to the error log:
    No update, already at NNNN XXXX" where NNNN is the BASES.DES_NO and XXXX is the BASES.BASE_NAME.
    The School History is not updated in this case.
  • If a student has an existing School History record with a start date on or after the start date on the Final Transfer Details window at a registered base that does match the allocated base, then running the Final Transfer routine does not update the School History.
    However, no message is written to the error log, as the student is already registered at the allocated base.

The records created by the Final Transfer routine, and the routine's treatment of existing records, differs depending on the student's existing school history, registered base, start date and end date:

Students with existing school history, a registered base, a start date earlier than the Final Transfer parameter start date and no end date:

Original School History Record:

School History Data Item


Registered flag

Changed from True to False

End Date 

Set to the End Date specified in the Final Transfer parameters

Leaving Reason 

Set to the Leaving Reason specified in the Final Transfer parameters (if the existing school history record does not have a leaving reason)

New School History Record Created:

School History Data Item


Base Name

The allocated base

Registered flag


Dual Registration flag


Guest flag


Residential flag


Registration Type

MN-S (main registered base, no dual)

Start Date

Set to the Start Date specified in the Final Transfer parameters.

End Date


Days per Week


Reason for Joining

Set to the Joining Reason specified in the Final Transfer parameters.

Reason for Leaving


Students with existing school history, a registered base, a start date earlier than the Final Transfer parameter start date and an end date earlier than the Final Transfer parameter end date:

Original School History Record:

School History Data Item


Registered flag

Changed from True to False

End Date 

Left untouched

Leaving Reason 

Set to the Leaving Reason specified in the Final Transfer parameters (if the existing school history record does not have a leaving reason)

New School History Record Created:

School History Data Item


Base Name

The allocated base

Registered flag


Dual Registration flag


Guest flag


Residential flag


Registration Type

MN-S (main registered base, no dual)

Start Date

Set to the Start Date specified in the Final Transfer parameters.

End Date


Days per Week


Reason for Joining

Set to the Joining Reason specified in the Final Transfer parameters.

Reason for Leaving


Students with no School History

School History Data Item


Base Name

The allocated base

Registered flag


Dual Registration flag


Guest flag


Residential flag


Registration Type

MN-S (main registered base, no dual)

Start Date

Set to the Start Date specified in the Final Transfer parameters.

End Date


Days per Week


Reason for Joining

Set to the Joining Reason specified in the Final Transfer parameters.

Reason for Leaving


Students with a School History but no Registered Base and where there is no School History record for the Allocated Base that has a start date on or after the Start Date in Final Transfer parameters

School History Data Item


Base Name

The allocated base

Registered flag


Dual Registration flag


Guest flag


Residential flag


Registration Type

MN-S (main registered base, no dual)

Start Date

Set to the Start Date specified in the Final Transfer parameters.

End Date


Days per Week


Reason for Joining

Set to the Joining Reason specified in the Final Transfer parameters.

Reason for Leaving


Students with a School History but no Registered Base and where there is a School History record for the Allocated Base that has a start date on or after the Start Date in Final Transfer parameters

School History Data Item


Base Name

Left as the allocated base

Registered flag

True (changed from false)

Dual Registration flag


Guest flag


Residential flag


Registration Type

MN-S (main registered base, no dual)

Start Date

Set to the Start Date specified in the Final Transfer parameters.

End Date

Not updated

Days per Week


Reason for Joining

Not updated

Reason for Leaving


All new School History records are created with a registration type of MN-S (Main registered base, no dual). Any dual registrations for students need to be recorded manually. The registration type for the registered base School History record should be changed to MN-D manually when recording dual registrations.

The Base Merge routine does not update A&T preferences. If bases that are no longer considered active have been used for preference recording, it is important that the preference continues to reflect the original parent selection.

However, if your LA is using the Final Transfer routine to update the school history, then if the allocated base is the old inactive base then the school history is created for this base. As such, Local Authorities are advised to consider running the Base Merge routine after Final Transfer in this situation.