Tests Tab

The Process | Transfer Groups | Tests page enables you to associate tests with transfer groups and import or process results.

  1. Select a transfer group.
  2. Select the Tests tab
  3. Choose one of the following options:
    • Open the Test Results section to display a list of imported test results.

      Test results for import must be in a .csv file containing: Surname, Forename, DOB, UPN, Transfer Group Code, Transfer Group Year, Test Code, Results, Result Date and Student ID

      1. Click the Import Results hyperlink to display the Import Results dialog.
      2. Click the Browse button to select the appropriate .csv file and then click the Process button to import the results.
    • Open the  Process Results section to display the Process Results fields.
      1. Select a Processing Method.
        If the processing method includes N, an additional field is displayed for N. Enter the value of N.
      2. If required, enter a Cut Off Mark.

        If no cut off mark is entered, all students are deemed to have passed when the results are processed.

      3. Click the Process button.