LA Only Panel

The following options are available:

  • Traffic LightTraffic Light (Allocation Status Indicator)

    GREEN indicates one of:

    • O: Offer
    • P: Provisional
    • Y: Allocated
    • A: Accepted by Parent.
    RED indicates one of:
    • Null: Not Processed
    • W: Waiting List
    • N: No Offer
    • X: Refused by Parent
    • R: Refused by LA
    • Q: No Longer Required.
  • StatusStatus

    Set automatically, depending on the applicant response and the stage reached in the Offer process.

  • Test ResultsTest Results

    Displays test results for selective schools. This field can be edited from the Process | Transfer Groups | Tests tab, either manually (by users with read/write or read/write/delete access to the Test Results - Manual Entry permission) or by file import. Tests are defined in the v4 Client via Tools | Administration | Lookups (Lookup Table ID 0421). These tests should then be associated with transfer groups and the results imported and processed on the Process | Transfer Groups | Tests tab.

  • OnlineOnline

    This field is display only and is completed automatically to indicate that the preference has been created as the result of an imported A&T Online application.

  • LateLate

    This check box shows whether or not a late application has been submitted for this preference. If selected, the Preferences browse indicates Late against that preference, ensuring that this student is included in a Late ADT file.
    Late can be defined as one of the oversubscription criteria and each Local Authority can decide whether or not to include late applications in the Make Offers process, depending on their policy.

  • AppealsAppeals

    Select this check box if the student is to be allocated to the indicated base as a result of an appeal. This box is selected automatically if the Update Preferences button on the Manage Transfer Group | Appeals tab is clicked.
    In exceptional circumstances, it may be necessary to allocate a place over PAN (for Normal Phased admissions) or where no vacancy exists (for In Year admissions). This is only possible if the Exceptional or Appeals check box has been selected.

  • DeferredDeferred

    This check box is for information only and is not used in the allocation process. It indicates that an applicant has taken up the right to defer entry to the Reception NCY until the term after the child is five. This field can be included in reports.

  • ExceptionalExceptional

    Select this check box if the allocation is to be made manually. If there is an exceptional reason why the student should attend this school then it may be necessary to allocate a place over PAN (for Normal Phased admissions) or where no vacancy exists (for In Year admissions). This must be done manually.
    Manual allocations can only be made if the Exceptional or Appeals check box has been selected.
    Supporting evidence can be recorded in the form of a memo or linked file.

  • From Waiting ListFrom Waiting List

    This check box is selected automatically if the student is allocated to the base from the waiting list - i.e. if the allocation status changes from W (Added to Waiting List) to either Y (Allocated) or A (Accepted by Parent).

  • Do not consider for mainstreamDo not consider for mainstream

    Check this box if all the following conditions are met:

    • The application is for the Aptitude or Ability band.
    • The application is for a base using Aptitude or Assessed banding.
    • The applicant does not wish the child to be considered for a place in the mainstream school if they are not offered a place in that band.
  • Preference MemoPreference Memo

    Used to record information that the Local Authority wishes to retain for future reference. For example, the applicant may have claimed a sibling which the Local Authority rejects. It is worth recording in this memo why the claim was rejected as this may be needed if there is a subsequent appeal.

  • Other Details MemoOther Details Memo

    Use the Other Details memo to record any information the applicant has provided in support of their application, particularly if the Other check box has been selected. Data is imported into this field if supplied electronically via online applications or from Other Local Authorities during the process of coordination. As an example, the field might contain supporting information entered by an applicant concerning an application to a specialist school. This memo can store a maximum of 3000 characters.

Parent/Carer Response

  • Applicant ResponseApplicant Response

    The Applicant Response can have the following values:

    • Accept
    • Reject
    • Go on waiting list
    • Appeal
    • Appeal & go on waiting list
    • Other decision
    • No response to make.

    The available options depend on the current offer status.
    After an online Parent / Carer response has been imported (i.e. the Imported from Online field shows Yes), then the response is displayed here. If you subsequently change the response then you are warned but are able to continue.
    If an applicant response of Reject is imported:

    • The original offer status is retained and an exception message is raised, ensuring that the student is not left without an allocated place. This offer status must be reviewed and changed manually if necessary.
    • Any supporting text is also imported.

    Manual changes and most imported applicant responses have implications for the allocation status, which may be updated as a result:

    Applicant Response

    Offer Status is changed to


    A - Accepted by Parent


    X – Refused by Parent

    Go on waiting list

    W – Waiting List


    No change to offer status

    Appeal and go on waiting list

    W- Waiting List

    Other Decision

    No change to offer status

    No response to make

    No change to offer status

    If the applicant response is manually updated and the allocation status changes as a result, then the Manual Allocation tab is displayed. You must save the changes to the manual allocation status for this preference. The Preference History is also updated.
    If a change has been made that updates an applicant response that was imported from A&T Online, then you are asked to confirm before saving as a response that was originally set by the applicant will be changed. In this circumstance, the Imported from Online flag is set to No.
    If the change to the applicant response is not from an online imported response, then no confirmation is needed.

  • Imported from OnlineImported from Online

    This field is display only and is updated automatically depending on the method of input of the response. If the response has been imported from One Online then the field displays Yes, and you are warned if you subsequently change the response.

  • Supporting TextSupporting Text

    This memo records any additional information a parent/carer has provided in support of their response to a preference. It can contain any information entered both manually and online.