Offer Response Confirmation
Dear Mr Online Applicant Child's Name: Child Name Date of Birth: dd/mm/yyyy Thank you for responding to our school place offer.
Your responses have been submitted as follows:
If you have added in extra supporting text then this will be displayed below: 1 Preferred School 1 Please can you place my daughter on the waiting list for Grange Technology College as it is the school her older sister attends? 2 Preferred School 2 No supporting text recorded. 3 Preferred School 3 No supporting text recorded. OR No supporting text has been recorded against any preference. If you wish to make a change to these responses please log back into the admissions website where you can change your responses until hh:mm on dd/mm/yyyy. Kind Regards, Admissions Administrator IMPORTANT - PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL AS IT MAY NOT GO TO YOUR LOCAL AUTHORITY. TO CONTACT US, PLEASE SEE THE DETAILS BELOW Contact Us by using the address on this email, or via our website. |
The line "If you have added in extra supporting text…" is only included if at least one preference has supporting text recorded.
If there is no supporting text for any preference then the table of preferences and responses is followed by the line "No supporting text has been recorded against any preference."