Resolve Offers Worked Example

Student John Smith has the following preferences:

  • 1st -  Abbot Secondary School
  • 2nd - Bishop's School
  • 3rd - Canon Secondary School.

After the Make Offers routine was run John had the following allocation statuses:

  • 1st - Abbot Secondary School – No Offer
  • 2nd - Bishop's School – No Offer
  • 3rd - Canon Secondary School – Offered.

The Resolve Offers routine is run three times, as detailed in Step 4 of Explanation of the Resolve Offers Routine (Phased).

  • 1st run through – no new places become available.
  • 2nd run through – a place becomes available at Bishop's School.
  • 3rd run through – a place becomes available at Abbot Secondary School.

Running Resolve Offers results in the following changes to the offer status for John:


After Make Offers

After 1st Resolve Offers

After 2nd Resolve Offers

After 3rd Resolve Offers

1 - Abbott Secondary School

No Offer

No Offer

No Offer


2 - Bishop's School 

No Offer

No Offer


No Longer Required

3 - Canon Secondary School 



No Longer Required

No Longer Required

By the end of the Resolve Offers process John now has an allocation to his first preference, whereas immediately after the Make Offers process he only had an offer at his third.