Resolve Offers and Banding Combinations

The Resolve Offers routine works differently if the receiver is using a combination of banding methods, as opposed to a single banding method.

Ability and Discrete Banding

The Resolve Offers routine processes the bands with the highest priority first. If this results in a band having vacancies, then the highest ranked children in the band with N (No Offer) status are allocated/provisionally allocated.

Vacancies in a discrete band within the assessed band are filled from that band’s waiting list only.

Children who have applied for the assessed band and who have stated that they should not be considered for the mainstream school are not considered for vacancies in the non-assessed band.

Aptitude and Discrete Banding

The Resolve Offers routine processes the bands with the highest priority first. If this processing generates vacancies within the band, then the highest ranked children in that band with statuses of N (No Offer) are allocated/provisionally allocated.

Vacancies in a discrete band within the aptitude band are filled from that band’s waiting list only.

Children who have applied for the aptitude band and who have stated that they should not be considered for the mainstream school are not considered for vacancies in the non-aptitude band.

Aptitude and Fair Banding

Schools using combined aptitude and fair banding can run the Resolve Offers routine in two ways:

  • Make offers for the aptitude band and then make offers to the non-aptitude band based on fair banding.
    Offers are resolved for the aptitude bands first. Any vacancies that are generated in an aptitude band are filled with the highest ranked children in that band who have a status of N (No Offer).
    The fair band offers are resolved once offers have been resolved for the aptitude bands. Any vacancies that are generated in a fair band are filled as described in Step 5 of The Resolve Offers Routine for Fair Banded Receivers.
    If a vacancy is generated in the lowest priority fair band and there is no waiting list, then the vacancy is filled with the child from the next higher band who has the lowest test score.
  • Use fair banding within both the aptitude and the non-aptitude band.
    Offers are resolved for the aptitude bands first. Children from the individual fair bands within the aptitude band are allocated at this point. Any vacancies that are generated in the fair bands are filled as described in Step 5 of The Resolve Offers Routine for Fair Banded Receivers.
    The non-aptitude fair bands are resolved in the same way as the aptitude fair bands once offers have been resolved for all aptitude bands.