Final Allocations

The Final Allocations routine deals with any remaining provisional offers and checks that each Home Local Authority student has at least one preference with a status of Y (Allocated). Any students who cannot be allocated are assigned to the No Offer base with a status of O (Offer). These students must then be placed manually.

For English and Welsh LAs, both Make Offers and Resolve Offers must be run before the Final Allocations routine can be run. However, regions in Norther Ireland can run Final Allocations without running Make Offers or Resolve Offers first. This enables One to support the admissions process used in Northern Ireland, whereby a user may wish to use Final Allocations to update the status of 'finalised' places from Provisional to Allocated before Offer Day.

As with other LAs, regions in Northern Ireland can only run the Final Allocations routine once. 

In order to run the Final Allocation routine, Make Offers must have been run. In addition, Resolve Offers must have been run at least once.

Northern Irish regions can run Final Allocations without running Make Offers or Resolve Offers first. This enables One to support the admissions process used in Northern Ireland, whereby a user may wish to use Final Allocations to update the status of 'finalised' places from Provisional to Allocated before Offer Day.

As with other LAs, Northern Irish regions can only run the Final Allocations routine once.

Final Allocation follows the following rules:

Any records that have a status of R (Refused by Local Authority) or X (Refused by Parent) are not included in the Final Allocation process.

  1. Any in year applications that have an application status linked to an external code of CLOS (Closed/completed) are skipped during the Final Allocation process.
  2. In year applications with a place required date that is in the future are skipped during the Final Allocation process.
  3. Any applications that have a Place Required date that is after the offer date of the selected process period are not included in the Final Allocation routine, as these applications are included in a later process period. All applications with a Place Required date that is before the offer date of the process period are included, except for those already excluded by rule 1.
  4. In year applications received after the process period's application closing date and time are skipped.
    i.e. In year applications are only processed where the application was received on or before the selected process period's application closing date and time.
    • If an Application Received date has been entered, then only applications with a date that is on or before the selected process period's application closing date and time are included.
    • If an Application Received date has not been entered, then applications are only included where the application entered date/time is on or before the process period's application closing date/time.
  5. One checks each student to see if they have a single provisional allocation or multiple provisional allocations. If a single provisional allocation is recorded, One changes that offer status from P (Provisional) to Y (Allocated).
  6. One converts provisional offers. The process runs through multiple provisional offers to Home and Other Local Authority receiver bases in the following way.
    • There are no status changes for Other Local Authority receiver bases that are not coordinating.
    • For Home and Coordinating Local Authority receiver bases One checks which provisional offer has the highest ranking parental preference.
    If the provisional offer has the highest ranking parental preference, then One the offer’s status to Y (Allocated).
    If the provisional offer does not have the highest ranking parental preference, One does the following:
    • For any higher Home Local Authority preferences, N (No Offer) changes to W (Waiting List) if a waiting list is being maintained.
    • For any lower preferences, One changes P (Provisional) to Q (No Longer Required) if a waiting list is not being maintained. This applies to both Home LA and coordinating Other LA preferences. Changing the preference to Q frees the place up for another student.
  7. The final check is to make sure that there is at least one preference with the status Y (Allocated) for all Home Local Authority students. If an allocation does not exist, One allocates the students to the No Offer base with a status of O (Offer). The local authority must then place each student manually.

    Home Local Authority students are identified by their resident Local Authority.

    This is the end of the Final Allocations process for normal phased applications. However, there is an additional step for in year applications.
  8. The final stage for in year applications is to update the application status (which is only stored for in year applications) to the external code OFFW (Offered and waiting for applicant response), for all students who have been processed and who have been allocated a place. If a student does not have an allocation to any base, then their application status is not updated. The following example outlines how this process works:


    Allocation after Resolve Offers

    Allocation after Final Allocation

    Application Status

    Student 1






    No Longer Required

    No Longer Required


    No Longer Required

    No Longer Required

    Student 2


    Null (from OAA)







    No Longer Required

    No Longer Required

    Student 3


    Null (OAA)


    No change to status


    No Offer

    No Offer


    No Offer

    No Offer