Nearest School Search

The Nearest School Search in Admissions and Transfers Back Office is available from the Bases area, from Student Details or directly from an Application.

This function uses either GIS or non-geographic information to generate a list of the nearest schools to a student’s address. Nearest School Search can also calculate whether or not an address is in catchment.

One GIS v4 is available as a separate, purchasable site licence. The GIS elements of the nearest school search are not shown if the addresses are non-geocoded.

There are two tabs:

  • Nearest Schools (GIS)Nearest Schools (GIS)

    This is the first tab of Bases | Nearest School Search. The Nearest Schools tab calculates a list and map of the nearest schools to a given address, based on GIS data.

    The defaults for the search (Distance Calculation Method and Number of Schools Returned) are set on the Administration | GIS | GIS Parameters tab.

    The More Options hyperlinkhyperlink enables you to override the search defaults.

    The address being searched and the schools returned by the search are displayed on the map in the right hand panel.

    Each base is displayed in the left hand panel, along with the site or gate that is nearest to the supplied address. If GIS catchment information has been recorded for a base then the list also indicates whether or not the supplied address is within the base’s catchment area.

    The Map Options link enables you to display the safe walking and/or driving routes on the map. If you select a single school in the list once routes/distances have been calculated, you can print out the map and routes.

  • School Catchments that include Postcode (non-GIS)School Catchments that include Postcode (non-GIS)

    This is the second tab of Bases | Nearest School Search. It enables you to calculate a list of the nearest schools to an address based on non-GIS data (i.e. using postcode catchments).

    The More Options hyperlink enables you to set additional search criteria.

    You can:

    • Change the number of schools displayed in the list
    • Select the type of bases included in the search

    The options to choose the measurement point on the base do not operate for this tab.

    Only schools that have a postcode in their catchment that matches that of the supplied address are listed. There is no map option.

Click the magnifying glass button next to the Address field to open Address Manager.  You can use Address Manager to select or add the desired dwelling address. Select an NCY if you wish to limit the search to schools that include a specific NCY.

Click the Search button to display the 20 schools that are nearest to the selected address and that accept children of the selected NCY (if entered).