Student Selection

Student Selection populates the transfer group by attaching a cohort of students based on that group's Student NCY and associated feeders. Before adding students, ensure that as many of the students as possible have a correspondence address with a postcode and an LA attached, unless their address is flagged as Overseas.

The process can be run as follows:

  1. Select a transfer group.
  2. Select Students | Student Selection

    In Year
    • Click the Edit Feeder Transfer Groups hyperlink to display the Choose Feeder Transfer Groups dialog.
      The list of groups is determined by the academic year of the new (receiver) In Year transfer group.
    • Select groups as required.
    • Select either the Carry forward Home LA student applications only or Carry forward Home and Other LA student applications radio buttons.
    • If required, select a different Date Place Required.
  3. Click the Add Students button to run the process.
  4. If an error message is displayed, click the hyperlink in the message to view the error log.