Overview of the Contacts Template Area

The Contacts Template page is used to define the base contact roles and set the default order in which they are listed on the Base Contacts tab.

Select the radio button to specify either Local Authority Contacts or School contacts to be defined.

If the Local Authority radio button is selected, the list displays the standard set of Local Authority roles. If the School radio button is selected this list displays the standard set of school contact roles. The order of the list can be customised by highlighting a role and clicking the Promote and Demote buttons which will move that role up or down the list as required.

Clicking the Add Contact Role button displays the Select Role lookup enabling you to select a new role. The lookup only offers roles defined as Local Authority or school roles depending on which radio button is selected. If all roles of that particular type have already been selected, the Add Contact Role button is disabled.

When a new role is added it is placed at the bottom of the list, use the Promote button to move it up to the required position.