
Tasks are created by the Local Authority via Better Start | Tasks. This is to request attainment information from Early Years providers. Providers must complete tasks that are assigned to them by the submission deadline.

Once a task is issued, it is displayed on the recipient’s (the provider’s) Home page and an email alert is sent to their registered email address with the following message:

This is to inform you that you have a new Early Years assessment task waiting for you on Provider Portal. Please log in to read it.

The email text can be updated by selecting the Task Alert Email Body (Better Start) category via Administration | Site Setup | Text Customisation.

The Tasks page displays a list of issued tasksissued tasks. It enables you to monitor progress made by providers, send messages to providers and to retract a taskretract a task, if required.

View Issued Tasks

  1. Select Better Start | Tasks to display the Tasks page with all tasks that have been issued.

  1. The Service Status displays the number of tasks with each status (Not Submitted (red), In Progress (yellow) or Completed (green)).
  2. If required, select the Include AdHoc Tasks check box to display a list ad hoc tasks.
  3. If required, to display tasks for a specific service:
    1. Click the Service search button to display the Select Service dialog.

    1. Click the Provider drop-down. If required, enter one or more characters of the provider name to limit the providers listed.
    2. Select the required provider to display a list of services.

    1. Choose a service and click the OK button.
  1. Click the task Name hyperlink to display the Task Details screen.

  1. Click the Service hyperlink to display the Service Detail screen with the Results tab selected.

  1. If required, select the Portal Back Office – Unmatched Children tab to display a list of unmatched children for the most recent import.

Only the current import unmatched children are listed. Previous submissions for the same task are not displayed even though they are shown in the Portal Back Office.

  1. If required, select the Import Log tab to display the log of import activity.


If required, the task can be retracted. Retracting a task prevents any further action on that task by service providers. Data that was submitted before the task was cancelled is still imported into One.

  1. Select Better Start | Tasks to display the Tasks screen listing all tasks that have been issued.

  1. Click the Retract link to display the Retract task dialog.
  2. Enter a Reason for retracting the task.
  3. Click the Retract button.

Before creating a task, an assessment template must first be created using One v4 PULSE.

The provider must be assigned to a base that has the B2B Student Base check box selected in the One v4 Client and the XML transfer option deselected in the One v3 Client.
For more information, refer to the Setting Up One Better Start for Local Authorities technical guide.

Create a New Task

Tasks are created for a particular age range of children at a particular date (Age Calculation Date).

Tasks are created using the New Task wizard.

  1. Select Better Start | Tasks and click the Create Task button to display the New Task screen.

  1. Enter details all the mandatory fields.
  2. Click the Next button to display the Recipients screen.

  1. Click the To button to display the Select Services screen with all available, active services listed.

  1. If required, enter a partial Provider or Service Name and click the Search button to display matching services.

Alternatively, select a service group from the Service drop-down. The search can be refined further by applying a Funding Type or Service Type filter. Click the cross button to remove the filter.

  1. Select the check box for one or more services or click the Add All button to display the services in the Selected Services box.

  1. Click the Continue button to display the New Task screen with Selected Services for this Task displayed.

Services that do not have the B2B import flag selected are highlighted. This does not prevent the task from being created.

Services that do have the XML transfer flag selected are highlighted and this does prevent the task from being created.

  1. Click the Next button to display the Issue screen.

An error message is displayed if a required field on a previous step is missing. To complete the field, click the relevant Step button to display that step or alternatively, click the Previous button to display the previous step.

  1. Click the Send button to issue the task and display the Task Sent dialog.
  2. Click the OK button to display the Tasks screen listing the tasks that have been issued.