Create a Dummy Base

  • Create a dummy base in v4 clientCreate a dummy base in v4 client
    1. Select v4 client | Focus | Bases | Bases to display the Base Enquiry page.
    2. Click the New hyperlink.
      A dialogue is displayed asking if you wish to add a base from the National Database.
    3. Click the No button to proceed to the Base Definition page.
    4. Enter details as required.
    5. Select the B2B Student Base tickbox.
    6. Click Save to display the Users dialogue.
    7. Select a user to map to the base.
  • Create a dummy base in v4 onlineCreate a dummy base in v4 online

    To add a new base:

    1. In the Bases | All Bases area, click the Add New Base hyperlink to display a blank base detail form.
    2. Enter details as required.
    3. Select the B2B Student Base tickbox.
    4. Add a Site if required.