Message Templates

Messages can be composed and sent to one or more users. The message can be free text or can use a pre-defined template.

Create a new Template:

  1. Select Administration | Site Setup | Message Templates to display the Message Templates page.
  2. Click the New Template button to display the Create Template page.

  1. Enter a template Name and Subject.
  2. Enter a template Message. Formatting buttons are provided above the panel.
  3. The message text is displayed in the Preview.
  4. Click the Save button.

Edit a Template

  1. Select a Template on the Message Template page.
  2. Click the Edit button to display the Edit Template page.

  1. Make the required changes to the Template Name, Subject or Message text. Formatting buttons are provided above the panel.
  2. The amended text is displayed in the Preview.
  3. Click the Save button.

Delete a Template

  1. Select a Template on the Message Template page.
  2. Click the Delete button to display a confirmation dialog.
  3. Click the Yes button to confirm deletion.