Banded Receivers

When viewing banded receivers in the Applications screen, the Receiver Summary panel initially displays much of the same information that it would for a non-banded receiver. However, the Ranked and Unranked totals are not displayed, because there are no ranks at the overall preference level for banded schools. Instead, all ranking takes place within bands.

Once a band has been selected, the information displayed in the Receiver Summary panel is calculated differently depending on whether you are viewing a parent or non-parent band.

Before the Show Offers to Receivers Date Has Passed

If the Show Offers to Receivers date has not been populated in A&T Back office, then One displays the following information until the Transfer Group Publicise date has passed.

Field Non-Parent Bands Parent Bands
PAN The band PAN for the Transfer Group Year and Intake NCY. The parent band’s PAN for the Transfer Group Year and Intake NCY. Ignores PANs for child bands.
Applications The number of preferences associated with the band that have a preference number of less than the Transfer Group System Preferences Starting Number. Includes all offer statuses and withdrawn applications. The number of distinct preferences associated with the parent band and its associated child bands that have a preference number of less than the Transfer Group System Preferences Starting Number. Includes withdrawn applications.

Students who are associated with multiple bands that are related to the same parent band are only counted once, since there has only been one application to the school.
1st Preference The number of preferences associated with this band (including withdrawn applications) that have a preference number of 1. The number of distinct preferences that are associated with the parent band and its associated child bands and have a preference number of 1. Includes withdrawn applications.

Students who are associated with multiple bands that are related to the same parent band are only counted once.
2nd Preference The number of preferences associated with this band (including withdrawn applications) that have a preference number of 2. The number of distinct preferences that are associated with the parent band and its associated child bands and have a preference number of 2. Includes withdrawn applications.

Students who are associated with multiple bands that are related to the same parent band are only counted once.
3rd Preference The number of preferences associated with this band (including withdrawn applications) that have a preference number of 3. The number of distinct preferences that are associated with the parent band and its associated child bands and have a preference number of 3. Includes withdrawn applications.

Students who are associated with multiple bands that are related to the same parent band are only counted once.
Other Preference The number of preferences associated with the band that have a preference number that is greater than 3 but less than the Transfer Group System Preferences Starting Number. Includes withdrawn applications. The number of distinct preferences associated with the parent band and its child bands that have a preference number that is greater than 3 but less than the Transfer Group System Preferences Starting Number. Includes withdrawn applications.

Students who are associated with multiple bands that are related to the same parent band are only counted once.
Withdrawn The number of withdrawn applications for which there was a parental preference for this school that was associated with the band.

Only displayed if the count is greater than 0.

The number of distinct withdrawn applications for which there was a parental preference associated with the parent band and its child bands.

Only displayed if the count is greater than 0.

Students who are associated with multiple bands that are related to the same parent band are only counted once.
Ranked For OAA receivers only. Displays the number of ranked applications associated with the band. Excludes withdrawn applications. For OAA receivers only. Displays the number of ranked applications associated with the parent band and its associated child bands. Excludes withdrawn applications.
Unranked For OAA receivers only, displays the number of unranked applications associated with the band. Excludes withdrawn applications. For OAA receivers only, displays the number of unranked applications associated with the parent band and its associated child bands. Excludes withdrawn applications.

On and After the Show Offers to Receivers Date

In addition to the fields listed in the previous table, the Receiver Summary panel displays the following fields once the Show Offers to Receivers date is reached.

If the Show Offers to Receivers date has not been populated in A&T Back office, then One displays the following information on and after the Transfer Group Publicise date.

Field Non-Parent Bands Parent Bands
Spaces The Band Balance, as displayed in the A&T Back Office | Bases | Receivers area after selecting the band. Calculated by taking the number of preferences that are associated with the band and have a band offer status of Allocated, Accepted, Provisional or Offered (which may include system-generated preferences) away from the Band PAN.

The Spaces figure may be a negative number if the school has been over-allocated.
The parent band PAN minus the number of preferences that are associated with the parent band and its child bands and have a band offer status of Allocated, Accepted, Provisional or Offered. May include system-generated preferences.

The Spaces figure might be a negative number if the school has been over-allocated.
Offered The number of the preferences that are associated with the band and have a band offer status of Offered.

May include system-generated preferences.

Includes a sub-total by gender.
The number of preferences that are associated with the parent band and its child bands and have a band offer status of Offered.

May include system-generated preferences. Includes a sub-total by gender.
Accepted The number of preferences associated with the band that have an offer status of Accepted (including system-generated preferences).

Includes a sub-total by gender.
The number of preferences that are associated with the parent band and its child bands and have an offer status of Accepted (including system-generated preferences).

Includes a sub-total by gender.
Allocated The number of preferences associated with the band that have an offer status of Allocated (including system-generated preferences). The number of preferences that are associated with the parent band and its child bands and have an offer status of Allocated (including system-generated preferences).
Provisional The number of preferences associated with the band that have an offer status of Provisional (including system-generated preferences). The number of preferences that are associated with the parent band and its child bands and have an offer status of Provisional (including system-generated preferences).
Not Processed The number of preferences associated with the band that have an offer status of Not Processed. The number of preferences that are associated with the parent band and its child bands and have an offer status of Not Processed.
Waiting List The number of preferences associated with the band that have a band offer status of Waiting List (W). The number of preferences that are associated with the parent band and its child bands and have a band offer status of Waiting List (W).
Refused The number of preferences associated with the band that have a band offer status of either Refused by LA (R) or Refused by Parent (X). The number of preferences that are associated with the parent band and its child bands and have a band offer status of either Refused by LA (R) or Refused by Parent (X).
No Longer Required The number of preferences associated with the band that have a band offer status of No Longer Required (Q). The number of preferences that are associated with the parent band and its child bands and have a band offer status of No Longer Required (Q).
No Current Offer The number of preferences associated with the band that have a band offer status of No Current Offer (N). The number of preferences that are associated with the parent band and its child bands and have a band offer status of No Current Offer (N).