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Verify Claimed Siblings

The Verify Claimed Siblings page displays a list of the active applications for your school in which the applicant has claimed that the child already has a sibling at the school. You can use the page to verify this information.

The Verify Claimed Siblings hyperlink is only displayed for a particular transfer group if all of the following criteria are met:

  • Your school is a receiver for the transfer group.
  • There is at least one preference for your school from a non-withdrawn application where:
    • The Preference Applicant Sibling reason is selected
    • The preference number is less than the transfer group System Generated Preferences Starting Number.
  • You have at least read permission to the School Admissions – Verification Siblings business process.

To verify claimed siblings:

  1. From the School Admissions Portal home page, click a transfer group’s Verify Claimed Siblings hyperlink to view a list of applications in that transfer group that have claimed to have a sibling currently attending your school.
  2. If required, filter the list.
    • Enter a name or student ID into the search field
    • Select the verification status using the Verified and unverified siblings drop-down menu. 
  3. For each student you wish to verify, click the Not Verified button in the Sibling Verified column.
    Select Verified from the drop-down menu. The student’s status changed to Verified.
  4. If you wish to unverify any students, click the Verified button in the Sibling Verified column.
    Select Unverify from the drop-down menu. The student’s status changes to Unverified.
  5. If required, click the Download button to export a list of students with all displayed data.