SEN Posts

A post is a person’s job position in a Local Authority, e.g. contact supervisor, admin officer, assessment officer, etc.

A post can only be in one establishment/team, but a person can be in more than one post.

Create a Post

This procedure shows how to create a new post and assign users to it. To make a post available for selection:

  • The Is CSS Caseworker check box must be selected, and
  • The post must contain at least one member who has a current or future Start Date.

To create posts:

  1. Select Tools | Team Structure | Posts to display the Post Definition Enquiry dialog.
  2. Click the New button to display the Post Definition dialog.
  3. Enter a Post Description.
  4. Select the required check boxes for SEN involvements, i.e. Is CSS Caseworker and Is CSS Admin Officer.
  5. To assign users to the new post, click the Add button to display a new row on the Users assigned to Post panel.
  6. To display a list of users available for assigning to the new post, click the Browse button to display the User Browser dialog.
  7. Highlight a User Name field and click the Select button. The selected user is added to the User assigned to Post panel.
  8. Enter a Start Date. If a user is being added to a post for a fixed term, also enter an End Date.
  9. Click the Save button.