The instructions on this page were different in the following release(s):
Question 2.2a: Establishments
Relase Note for SEN Feature Update 3.76.001
Children and young people entered in item 2.1 on the roll of the following establishments.
This question is a count of the number of initial EHC Plans that were made final by the Local Authority within the return year, split out by placement type.
- Of those assessment involvements that counted for inclusion in Question 2.1 Step 1, look for the associated active EHCP Placement Record at the Return Date.
- Where an active EHCP Placement Record(s) exists, use the external code of the Placement Type and count the number of placements for each of the valid range of placement categories, as detailed in the following table.
Table 7 – Placement Types (SEN School Type) to be counted
Question Reference Placement Category Associated One Placement Type External code 2.2a.i.a Non-maintained early years settings in the private and voluntary sector E_EYES 2.2a.i.b Mainstream school: LA maintained (including foundation schools) E_MMS 2.2a.i.c Mainstream school: LA maintained (SEN unit) E_SUMM 2.2a.i.d Mainstream school: LA maintained (resourced provision) E_USMM 2.2a.i.e Mainstream school: Academy E_ACD 2.2a.i.f Mainstream school: Academy (SEN unit) E_ACS 2.2a.i.g Mainstream school: Academy (resourced provision) E_RAC 2.2a.i.h Mainstream school: Free school E_MFS 2.2a.i.i Mainstream school: Free school (SEN unit) E_FSS 2.2a.i.j Mainstream school: Free school (resourced provision) E_RFS 2.2a.i.k Mainstream school: independent school E_OINS 2.2a.i.l Special school: LA maintained (including foundation schools) E_MSS 2.2a.i.m Special school: Academy/Free E_SAC 2.2a.i.n Special school: Non-maintained E_NMSS 2.2a.i.o Special school: Independent special school E_INSS 2.2a.i.p AP/PRU: LA maintained E_PRU 2.2a.i.q AP/PRU: Academy E_APA 2.2a.i.r AP/PRU: Free school E_AFS 2.2a.i.s Hospital schools (including foundation schools) E_HOSP 2.2a.i.t Post 16: General FE and tertiary colleges / HE E_GTC 2.2a.i.u Post 16: Other FE E_OFE 2.2a.i.v Post 16: Sixth form college E_SFC 2.2a.i.w Post 16: Specialist Post-16 institutions E_ISP 2.2a.ii Total of 2.2a.i This value is the total of the counts in questions 2.2a.i.a to 2.2a.i.w for EHCP Result. 2.2a.iii Educated elsewhere EOTAS 2.2a.iii.a Permanent excluded and not placed No placement record present 2.2a.iii.b Other or within secure units or Young offender institutions (arr. Made by LA Sect 61) E_OLE or E_RYA 2.2a.iii.c Elective Home Education – the number of children with EHC Plans who are subject to elective home education E_EHE 2.2a.iii.d Other (arrangements made by Parents Sect 7 of Ed Act 1996), excluding those who are subject to elective home education E_OPA 2.2a.iii.e Awaiting provision - children below school age (under 5) who are in education, have been issued an EHC Plan, awaiting placement in another setting E_APZ 2.2a.iii.f Awaiting provision - children of compulsory school age (5– 15) who are in education, have been issued an EHC Plan, awaiting placement in another setting E_APAA 2.2a.iii.g Awaiting provision - young people in education setting with EHCP, awaiting placement in another setting E_APB 2.2a.iii.h Awaiting provision - children below school age (under 5) who are not in education, with an EHC Plan, awaiting placement E_APY 2.2a.iii.i Awaiting provision - children of compulsory school age (5– 15) who are not in education, with an EHCP, awaiting placement in setting E_APC 2.2a.iii.j Awaiting provision - young people not in education with EHCP, awaiting placement in setting E_APD 2.2a.iii.k Young people who have an EHC Plan but are not in employment, education or training E_NEET 2.2a.iii.l Children and young people that do not fit in to any of the other categories E_OTH, NIEC, NIEO
- If a check finds that the placement type is mapped to an external code not in the valid range of placement categories (i.e. an external code starting with a W) it cannot be counted. In this case, One doesn’t count the student in any Question.
- If more than one placement is collected, count the placement record for the base marked as the student’s Registered Base (STUD_HIST.REG_BASE).
If none of the placements are marked as the student’s registered base, then the placement with the earliest start date is used. One generates exception message SEN2_008 for that student for the placement category collected.
Where an active statement/EHCP Placement Record does not exist as at the Return Date.
If a statement is found to have no associated placement, One identifies whether this is because the first time EHCP has been withdrawn and the placements have therefore been ended when the EHCP ceased, or if a count is made for question 2.2a.iii.a: - EHCP Withdrawn:
Where a first time EHCP has been withdrawn, look for a placement(s) associated with that EHCP that also ended on the date the EHCP was withdrawn.
Where there are placement records, use these and follow the flow in question 2.2 for Where an EHCP Placement Record does exist.
Where there were no placement records active when the EHCP was withdrawn, make checks for final question 2.2a.iii.a.
Count for 2.2a.iii.a: Where the student associated with the EHCP has an Active Permanent Exclusion Record and has not been placed since their Date Off Roll (DOR), that student is added to the count for question 2.2a.iii.a.
Count for 2.2a.iii.d – Previously where there are no placements details and are not counted in 2.2a.iii.a and are counted in 2.2a.iii.d as awaiting placements. From Autumn 2017 release, where a child or young person is awaiting provision and he is not awaiting college places following compulsory schooling or young people who are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEETs) then create a dummy base and a placement record with the ‘Placement Category’ as E_AAP - Awaiting Provision to count in 2.2a.iii.d, edit this dummy base to actual base and placement record to actual placement when the placement is allocated.
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Part 2: Assessments and Placements | Q2.2b: Apprenticeships, Traineeships & Supported Internships |