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Introduction and Overview


English Local Authorities are required by the DfE to submit pupil-level information related to secondary admissions in XML format, based on the national offer date of Tuesday 1st March 2022. The latest submission date for the Secondary return is close of business Monday 7th March 2022.

Local Authorities are also required to submit pupil-level information related to primary admissions entry year groups that have an intake NCY of either 0 or R in XML format, based on the national offer date of Tuesday 19th April 2022. The latest submission date for the Primary return is close of business Monday 25th April 2022.

The DfE’s guidance to Local Authorities in relation to this return can be found on the DfE website via the following link:

Capita’s stand-alone School Preferences Data Collection utility is based on the DfE’s School Preference (Child Level) Data Collection Business and Technical Specification 2022 document, which can be found on the following webpage:

This utility makes use of two Crystal reports.


The DfE requires each English LA to return a single XML file for each of their secondary and primary transfer groups. The data to be collected will consist of:

  • LA (local authority) details
  • Local authority level information on the total number of places available
  • Child-level information for those children in scope.

Capita’s School Preferences Data Collection utility enables the user to select the transfer group upon which the return should be based.

The DfE requires the School Preferences Data Collection XML file to comprise of the following areas:

  • Header
    e.g. return type (Secondary or Primary), the LA, the Reference Date.
  • LA Admission Places Total
    a single total of the published admission numbers for all secondary or primary schools that are part of the LA’s coordinated admissions process for the 2022 admission year.
  • Pupil Level Information
    the following information is required for each child:
    • Personal details (UPN, surname, first name, middle names, date of birth and gender).
    • Home postcode and address details (either BS7666 or line address format).
    • The LA and Estab of each preference expressed, in preference order.
    • The LA and Estab of the school offered.
    • Whether the application was made online (True/False/blank).
    • Whether any of the child’s preferences could be met (True/False/blank).

Capita’s School Preferences Data Collection utility sources pupil-level application, preference and offer data from the snapshot of information captured for offer day that is processed by the Publish Offer Information Online routine.

All other information is taken from the transfer group’s live information at the time of running the report. This includes the LA Admission Places Total, student personal and address information.