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Census Dates

Release Note for Autumn 2021 (3.76)

Every local authority is required to provide an individual child level early years census return in 2020 to the DfE.

Every funded PVI EY setting in England is required to provide the necessary information to their local authority to enable them to complete this return. The EY Census is required from any PVI setting where one or more of their children are receiving early education that is funded by the department.

Census Day

The census day is Thursday 20th January 2022. The census will collect data on all children taking up free provision during census week.

COLLECT Deadline

The deadline for loading data onto COLLECT is Friday 11 March 2022.

This is to allow for error correction, credibility checking and authorisation to take place before the collection closes.

Submission Deadline

The deadline for submission of data to the department is Thursday 14th April 2022.