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Item 5.7 Establishments attended during the year

An establishment (Base) is reported as being attended during the year when the following criteria is met:

  • They have an Involvement that met the criteria for inclusion in Module 5.
  • They have a Placement record linked to the Involvement.
  • The Placement Start is populated with a date before or during the collection year, or after the collection year but before the census date.
  • The Placement End is not populated or is populated with a date during or after the collection year.
  • The Base has a Placement Rank History of Rank 1 or Rank 2 at any point during the collection year

If an establishment does not have a Placement Rank History of Rank 1 or Rank 2 at any point during the collection year then it will not be reported in the person level return.

If an establishment has both a Rank 1 and Rank 2 Placement Rank History record during the collection year then this is reported as two separate placements in <PlacementDetail>.

If there are multiple Placement Rank History records for the same Base AND if the Placement Rank History record was not active any point during the date range of the Placement Start and Placement End for that same Base, then the <PlacementDetail> is not reported for that placement.