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Set Up The Defaults

There are two LA default values that must be configured for the Archive & Delete routines to process successfully.

Default Archive Person (ARCDEFPERS)

The ARCDEFPER parameter code supplies the default archive person to the Archive & Delete module. This is a specific person in the Capita One database who, when required, is used to anonymise records. The person should be created specifically for use with archiving, and their details are displayed only in specific anonymisation scenarios, e.g. the person associated with an Activity record, such as the Activity Owner, is replaced by the default archive person.

When searching for records to archive, the default archive person is not displayed in the Identified Records section to protect any records they might be associated with.

If the ARCDEFPER value is not set or the person to which it is set is removed from the One database, then the Proceed to Delete button in the Delete Records dialog is disabled and no records can be deleted from the Capita One system.

To ensure you can adequately identify records affected by the special anonymisation process, you should name the ‘Default Archive Person in the following manner:

  • Forename:
    Period archive person was created for e.g. ‘Sept-2014’ or ‘2014’
  • Surname:
    A description to make the record identifiable to users e.g. ‘Archived’

Based on the previous examples, viewing any records affected  by the special anonymisation process will display the person as ‘Archived, Sept-2014’ or ‘Archived, 2014’ from the examples given.

Set the ARCDEFPERS value in the v3 Client:

  1. Log into the v3 Client as an administrator.
  2. Select Tools | System Administration | LA Defaults to display the list of default values.
  3. Select the ARCDEFPERS parameter code.
  4. In the Value field, enter the PERSON_ID of the Capita One person record created to be associated with anonymised records.

Set the ARCDEFPERS value in the v4 online | System Administration:

  1. Log into the System Administration site as an administrator.
  2. In the System admin area, select System Defaults.
  3. In the Filter field, enter ARCDEFPERS.
  4. Select item in the list to enable editing.
  5. In the Value field, enter the PERSON_ID of the Capita One person record created to be associated with anonymised records.

Delete Log Retention Period (ARCDELDEF)

To provide transparency and for auditing purposes, whenever a deletion of a record occurs in Archive & Delete, an entry is created in the Delete Log. The ARCDELDEF parameter code determines the number of months for which you want to keep the delete log information. Once the number of months has passed for a delete log entry, the information is removed from the delete log by the v4 schedule task triggered for the ActionDR – Clear Delete Log.

It is strongly recommended you set the Delete Log Retention Period value  to equal the longest destruction retention period defined within any of your retention policies, e.g. if your longest destruction retention period is 10 years, then enter 120.

Set the ARCDELDEF value in the v3 Client:

  1. Log into the v3 Client as an administrator.
  2. Select Tools | System Administration | LA Defaults to display the list of default values.
  3. Select the ARCDELDEF parameter code.
  4. In the Value field, enter the number of months that entries in the delete log should be retained. 

Set the ARCDELDEF value in v4 online | System Administration:

  1. Log into the System Administration site as an administrator.
  2. In the System admin area, select System Defaults.
  3. In the Filter field, enter ARCDELDef.
  4. Select item in the list to enable editing.
  5. In the Value field, enter the number of months that entries in the delete log should be retained.