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Security Permissions

Below is a list of permissions to aid with what users can access and their interactions.

  • Admin / ManagerAdmin / Manager
    Permission Explanation
    Admin / Manager Selecting this check box selects all security attributes in this section.
    Assign YJ Users to Manager This enables managers to assign their users.
    Client Caseload Points Change This enables users to alter the standard caseload points for a client. Managers can allocate more points to clients requiring intensive support to ensure an even distribution of caseloads among workers.
    Change Client Type This enables the converting of young person records into adult records. This feature is not used in One IYSS and should not be needed.
    Change User Security Details This enables users to unlock and change the passwords and memorable words for other accounts without having full system administration permissions. Also enables the unlocking of locked client, provider and opportunity records in the One IYSS web application.
    Cohort Management This grants access to the Cohort Management screen, enabling users to review the makeup of the cohort from an aggregated to an individual level view.
    Create Shared Search This enables users to create searches for distribution.
    Grant Full Access This grants full access to relevant client details.
    Inters - Add Basic This enables users to create and change Basic Interactions.
    View My Caseload Tools This grants access to the caseload management facilities for a user's own caseload. It enables users to review the makeup of the caseload from an aggregated or an individual level view.
    Team Manager This grants Team Manager permissions, enabling allocation of staff and entering supervision notes to client records.
    Templates and Paras No longer used.
    YJ Case Manager Tool
    Youth Service MI Reports This enables users to access and run Youth Service Management Information reports.

    These reports can be resource-intensive. Users should be made aware of this.

  • Client Add/Change/DeleteClient Add/Change/Delete

    You can control how individual users interact with client records in the Client Add/Change/Delete section by granting three independent levels of access on all permissions with one of the following suffixes:

    • Add - This enables users to add new data to a client record.
    • Change - This enables users to change the data in a given section of a client record.
    • Delete - This enables users to delete data from a given section of client records.

    The permissions without these suffixes are explained in the table below:

    Permission Explanation
    Client - Change Hold YPI Enables control over information shared with Connexions.
    IYSS Client Convert - Simple Enables users to convert One records to One IYSS records using the Simple method.
    IYSS Client Convert Standard Enables users to convert One records to IYSS records.
    Personal and Family Contacts - Link Siblings This function is not used in One IYSS.
    Interactions - New Enables users to create new client interactions.
    Professional Contacts - Link to Agency Enables users to link client records to agencies also involved with the client.
    Professional Contacts - Referral to Agency Enables users to display an agency referral within the client record.
    Plan/Review - View Enables users to view plans and reviews.
    Referral - Change Outcome / Conclusion This enables users to end referrals in the Professional Contacts section of the client record. It also grants access to the Referrals Awaiting and Outcome portal on my homepage.
    Summary - Change - Practitioner Read only. Enables users to view client name, date of birth and gender in the Client Summary panel.

    Users are assigned this permission by default. To enable users to change these details, assign them the Summary - Change - Sys Admin permission.
    Summary - Change - Sys Admin Read-write. Enables users to edit client name, date of birth and gender in the Client Summary panel.
    Update Inactive/Deceased Person Details Displays links in the Actions panel to Set Student to Inactive/Deceased.
  • Client Bulk UpdatesClient Bulk Updates
    Permission Explanation

    There is no undo function in One IYSS. All bulk updates are irreversible.

    Client Bulk Updates Selecting this check box selects all security attributes in this section.
    Bulk Update - Lead Worker This enables users to mass-update clients' Lead Workers.
    Bulk Update - Actively Seeking Flag This enables users to mass-update clients' Actively Seeking status.
    Bulk Update - Actual Qualification Level This enables users to mass-update clients' Actual Qualification Level.
    Bulk Update - Attributes This enables users to mass-update clients' Attributes.
    Bulk Update - Base Line Status This enables users to mass-update clients' Base Line Status.
    Bulk Update - Assign Caseload Type This enables users to mass-update clients' Caseload Types.
    Client Bulk Update - Inactive Enables users to make groups of client records active or inactive.
    Bulk Update - Consent This enables users to mass-update and specify limits of clients' data protection consent information.
    Bulk update - Situation Currency This enables users to mass-update clients' current situations.
    Bulk Update - Individual Circumstances This enables users to mass-update clients' Individual Circumstances, including adding new and editing existing circumstances.
    Bulk Update - Interactions This enables users to mass-update client interactions.
    Bulk Update - Level of Need This enables users to mass-update clients' levels of need.
    Bulk update - Send Message This enables users to send batches of emails or text messages to clients.
    Bulk Update - Situations This enables users to mass-update clients' Situations.
    Bulk Update - Submissions This enables users to mass-update Submissions.
    Bulk Update - Team/Centre This enables users to mass-update clients' Managing Team or Centre.
    Bulk Update - Assign Yr11 Intended Destination This enables users to mass-update clients' intended destination at yr11.
    BU - YJ Events
    Bulk Update - Client Controls access to Bulk Updates screen.
    Create Saved List Enables users to create a group of clients and save them as a list accessible from the My Saved Client Lists portal.
    Create Shared Saved List Enables users to share Saved Lists with other users.
    Upload Client List Enables users to upload clients lists, based on unique numeric IDs, in .csv or .xls form. These lists can then be saved the same as a regular saved list.
  • Client FunctionalityClient Functionality
    Permission Explanation
    Client Functionality Selecting this check box selects all security attributes in this section.
    Add Appointment Link This enables a user to create an appointment from the Actions panel.
    Add Client Request Link This enables a user to create a basic client record and submit it for approval. Users with a Process Request permission will be notified and can accept or reject the record. The record will not be active until approved.
    Change Client Request Link This enables users with read-only rights to report inaccuracies or updates. Users with Process Request permission will be notified and can action the changes.
    Child in Danger Link This enables access to the Child in Danger screen.
    Client Search This enables user access to client search functions to be controlled.
    Client Add Simple (net) This enables user to access a simplified version of the add client process, whereby the system creates a current statutory education situation based on DOB, and populates the Team and Centre fields based on the user's details.
    Client Add Standard (net) This enables the user to add a young person's record.
    Client Alert - Change
    Client Change (net) Controls access to all Change Client screens.
    Client View (net) Grants access to client records.
    Group Session - Add Enables users to add group sessions.
    Key Clients Links Enables users to add and remove clients from their Key Clients lists.
    Send Message Link Enables user to send messages from with a client record, providing a mobile telephone number or email address are on record.
    Set Client Inactive Request Enables user to archive entire client records.
    Set Client Inactive Enables user to send delete record requests. Users with Process Request permission will be notified and can delete the record if the request is approved.
    Show Has CAF Indicator This displays the following flag in the header of all clients for whom the Case Details field Subject to CAF is set to ‘Current’:

    A TYS module licence is required for this function.
    Show On Child Protection Register Indicator This displays the following flag in the header of all clients for whom the Case Details field On Child Protection Register is set to ‘Current’:

    A TYS module licence is required for this function.
  • Client Search CriteriaClient Search Criteria
    Permission Explanation
    Client Search Criteria Selecting this check box selects all security attributes in this section.
    Additional Needs Section This enables users to enter selection criteria for client searches in the Additional Needs section.
    Aspirations & Qualification Section This enables users to enter selection criteria for client searches in the Aspirations & Qualification section.
    Basic Section This enables users to enter selection criteria for client searches in the basic (personal information) section.
    Caseload Section This enables users to enter selection criteria for client searches in the Caseload section.
    Client Search - Baselines Section This enables users to enter selection criteria for client searches in the Baselines section.
    Client Search - Individual Circumstances This enables users to enter selection criteria for client searches in the Individual Circumstances section.
    General Section This enables users to enter selection criteria for client searches in the General section.
    Inactive Clients This enables users to enter selection criteria for client searches in the Inactive Clients section.
    Location Section This enables users to enter selection criteria for client searches in the Location section.
    Client Search - Occupational Areas Section This enables users to enter selection criteria for client searches in the Occupational Areas section.
    Situations Section This enables users to enter selection criteria for client searches in the Situations section.
    Search Inactive People This displays the IYSS Records (Person Inactive) check box in the basic section of client searches.
    TYS - Client Search Criteria If you have a TYS module licence, this grants users access to the Targeted Youth Support section in client search.
    View Guarantee Detail This enables the displayed search results to incorporate information specifically related to guarantee work. It reduces the need to move in and out of client records by displaying more information in the results.
    View Guarantee Summary This enables the displayed search results to incorporate information specifically related to guarantee work. It reduces the need to move in and out of client records by displaying more information in the results.
    With Contact Section This enables users to enter selection criteria for client searches in the With Contact section.
    YJ - Client Search
    YJ - Data Checking
    Client and Search - YS Sessions Section This displays the YS Sessions section in client records and enables users to enter selection criteria for client searches within the section.
  • Client View/ContactPoint/My AspireClient View/ContactPoint/My Aspire

    Client View Sections

    You can configure the sections of a client record that can be viewed and expanded by assigning permissions with the following suffixes:

    • More: Users can expand the relevant section of a client record by clicking the More button.
    • Visible: Users can view the relevant section of a client record.


    You can control how individual users interact with client records in the ContactPoint section by granting three independent levels of access on all permissions with one of the following suffixes:

    • Visible: users can view basic information contained in the relevant section.
    • More: users can expand the relevant section to view hidden information.
    • Change: users can update information held in the relevant section.

    My Aspire Sections

    The security attributes contained within this section dictate the sections that are displayed within a user’s my homepage page. Select the attributes appropriate for the security group, based on the other security permissions they hold, e.g. if users are allowed to identify client records as key clients, the Key Client attribute must be selected to display the Key Clients list.

    The My Assets permission is not needed following the deactivation of Asset and move to AssetPlus. 

  • OpportunityOpportunity
    Permission Explanation
    Opportunity Selecting this check box selects all security attributes in this section.
    Opportunity - Change Provider This enables users to change the provider record linked to an opportunity.
    Delete YS Session This enables users to delete Youth Service session records.
    Opportunity - Add This enables users to add new opportunities to the system.
    Opportunity - Change This enables users to change information in opportunities.
    PDA View This enables users to view opportunities as they appear on a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA).
    Personal Development This enables users to maintain personal development opportunities.
    Record YS Detached Sessions This enables users to create youth service detached sessions linked to youth service activities.
    Record YS Sexual Health Session This enables users to create youth service sexual health sessions linked to youth service activities.
    Record YS Session This enables users to create youth service sessions linked to youth service activities.
    Set Opportunity Inactive This enables users to delete (archive) opportunities. It is important to recognise that deleting opportunity records will affect provider and clients records linked to the opportunity. Users must understand these implications.
    View YS Sexual Health Session This enables users to view youth service sexual health sessions linked to youth service activities.
    Record YS Activity and Session Types This enables users to create youth service activities and define the sessions run from them.
  • ProviderProvider
    Permission Explanation
    Provider Selecting this check box selects all security attributes in this section.
    Provider Contacts - Agency This enables users to maintain agency contacts.
    Provider Contacts - Employer This enables users to maintain employer contacts.
    Provider Contacts - FE Provider This enables users to maintain further education provider contacts.
    Provider Contacts - HE Provider This enables users to maintain higher education provider contacts.
    Provider Contacts - Other This enables users to maintain other contacts.
    Provider Contacts - PD This enables users to maintain personal development contacts.
    Provider Contacts - School This enables users to maintain school contacts.
    Provider Contacts - Training Provider This enables users to maintain training provider contacts.
    Provider Contacts - YOI This enables users to maintain young offender institute contacts.
    Prov/Opp View

    Provider Add/Change/Delete

    Permission Explanation
    Provider Add/Change/Delete Selecting this check box selects all security attributes in this section.
    Provider - Delete Contact This enables users to delete named contact details from provider records.
    Provider Change EBP This enables users to change Education Business Partnership data for provider records.
    Prov change Linked Clients This enables users to change clients linked as Employed in provider records.
    Prov/Opp (.net) Change Health and Safety This enables users to control health and safety data in Opportunity, Change H&S Info and PDA details on providers
    Provider - Add This enables user to add new provider records.
    Provider - Change This enables user to change provider records.
    Set Provider Inactive This enables user to delete (archive) provider records. It is important to recognise that deleting provider records will affect opportunity and clients records linked to the provider. Users must understand these implications.
  • Substance MisuseSubstance Misuse

    You can control how individual users interact with client records in the Substance Misuse section by granting three independent levels of access on all permissions with one of the following suffixes:

    • Add - This enables users to add new data to a client record.
    • Change - This enables users to change the data in a given section of a client record.
    • Delete - This enables users to delete data from a given section of client records.
    Permission Explanation
    Substance Misuse Selecting this check box selects all security attributes in this section.
    Substance Misuse - Client Search Criteria Grants users permission to access the Substance Misuse section in the Client Search screen.
    Substance Misuse -DX This enables users to produce NDTMS data extracts.
    Substance Misuse Client Sections - More Activates the More button in substance misuse sections of client records.
    Substance Misuse Client Sections - Visible Displays substance misuse sections of client records.
  • TYS SectionsTYS Sections

    You can control how individual users interact with client records in the TYS sections (Crime Prevention, Other and Teenage Pregnancy) by granting independent levels of access on all permissions. These are indicated by the suffix in the permission name.

    Users working across multiple services will only be able to add referrals if they are logged in with the appropriate TYS section, noted previously.

    Client permissions are configured using the following suffixes:

    • Visible - This determines whether users can view the client.
    • More - This determines whether users can access hidden information.

    All other permissions are configured using the following suffixes:

    • Add - This enables users to add new records.
    • Change - This enables users to change the information held in records.
    • Delete - This enables users to delete records.

    Case permissions include a Close suffix, which enables users to mark the case as closed.

  • WindowsWindows
    Permission Explanation
    Windows Selecting this check box selects all security attributes in this section.
    Check Stats Status This enables users to identify the status of statistical processing jobs and records awaiting processing by displaying the Statistical Output Status panel.
    DX Grants access to the DX Monitoring tool enabling data import and monitoring of data export jobs.
    DX - Submit This enables user to submit data export jobs to the DX Monitoring tool.
    Statistical Reporting Tool Grants users access to the Statistical Reporting tool enabling them to examine and amend the monthly NCCIS XML return. The tool is accessed through the IYSS Links panel on my homepage in the IYSS web application.
    System Admin Grants users access to the One IYSS System Administration Client.

    As this gives permission to add, amend, or delete all system administration configurations, it should only be granted to One IYSS System Administrators who have responsibility for and understanding of system maintenance.

  • YJ Case Transfer and YJ AssetPlusYJ Case Transfer and YJ AssetPlus
    Permission Explanation
    YJ Accept Reject Caretaking Updates Users with this permission will be able to see and use:
    • The ‘Accept’ and ‘Reject’ buttons within the summary screens of a Stage Update received from another YOT’s system (where there is a Caretaking arrangement already established).
    • The ‘Send Stage Update’ menu item within the AssetPlus Stage summary screen left hand menu.
    • The ‘End Transfer’ button on the AssetPlus panel header within the client case view.
    Users without this permission will never see:
    • The ‘Accept’ or ‘Reject’ buttons within the summary screens of a Stage Update received from another YOT’s system.
    • The ‘Send Stage Update’ menu item within the AssetPlus Stage summary screen left hand menu.
    • The ‘End Transfer’ button on the AssetPlus panel header within the client case view.
    YJ Accept Reject Initial Transfer Request Users with this permission will be able to see and use the ‘Accept’ and ‘Reject’ buttons within the summary screens of an Initial Case Transfer Request that has been received from another YOT’s system (regardless of whether this request is for a Full or a Caretaking transfer)

    Users without this permission will not see the ‘Accept’ or ‘Reject’ buttons within an Initial Transfer Request.
    YJ All Case Transfer Notifications Users with this permission will be able to see and use the new ‘Case Transfer Tasks’ panel in the top right-hand corner of the Homepage.

    Users without this permission will not see the ‘Case Transfer Tasks’ panel.
    YJ Case Transfer Admin This permission is no longer required. This will be removed in a future release.
    YJ Initiate Transfer Users with this permission will be able to see and use the ‘Initiate Transfer’ button on the AssetPlus panel header within the client case view.

    Users without this permission will never see the ‘Initiate Transfer’ button.
    YJ My case Transfer Notifications Users with this permission will be able to see and use the new ‘My Case Transfer Tasks’ panel in the top right-hand corner of the Homepage.

    Users without this permission will not see the ‘My Case Transfer Tasks’ panel.

    YJ AssetPlus

    Permission Explanation
    YJ Asset Plus-Admin Enables users to mandate non-YJB-controlled fields within AssetPlus.
    YJ Case-AssetPlus-View Audit Grants users access to the AssetPlus audit.
    YJ Case-AssetPlus Stage-Sign Enables users to sign off stages.
    YJ Case-AssetPlus-View Grants users access to the AssetPlus section of a Youth Justice case record.
    YJ Case-AssetPlus Stage-Cancel Enables users to cancel (delete) stages.
    YJ Case-AssetPlus Stage-Change Enables users to change stages.
    YJ Case-AssetPlus Stage-Open Enables users to open an AssetPlus stage (the new button in the AssetPlus Stages panel is only displayed to users with this permission).
    YJ Case-AssetPlus Stage-Proxy Enables users to edit or create stages for other users. Stages are owned by the creating user. If this user is a proxy user, an owner must be selected during creation.
    YJ Case-AssetPlus Stage-Stop Enables users to stop a stage.
  • Youth JusticeYouth Justice
    Permission Explanation
    Youth Justice Selecting this check box selects all security attributes in this section.
    YJ - Add Report Request
    YJ - Allocate Report Request
    YJ Assessment - Countersign
    YJ Case - Case Worker - Delete
    YJ - Change Report Request
    YJ Case - Court Appearance - Delete
    YJ - Delete Report Request
    YJ Case - Event - Delete
    YJ - IV Plan Target - Delete
    YJ Case - Intervention Programme - Delete
    Messaging Administrator
    YJ Case - Offence - Delete
    YJ Plan - Countersign This permission is not needed following the deactivation of Asset.
    YJ Case - Pre Court Decision - Delete
    YJ Case - Pre Court Interview - Delete
    YJ Plan Review - Countersign This permission is not needed following the deactivation of Asset.
    YJ - EYE Submission
    YJ Assessment - Add This permission is not needed following the deactivation of Asset.
    YJ Assessment - Change This permission is not needed following the deactivation of Asset.
    YJ Assessment - Delete This permission is not needed following the deactivation of Asset.
    YJ Assessment - Save As This permission is not needed following the deactivation of Asset.
    YJ Assessment - Unlock This permission is not needed following the deactivation of Asset.
    YJ Assessment - Change Author This permission is not needed following the deactivation of Asset.
    YJ Assessment - Change Editors This permission is not needed following the deactivation of Asset.
    YJ Case - Add / Open
    YJ Case - Add Gang
    YJ Case - Change
    YJ Case - Close
    YJ Case - Delete
    YJ Case - Override FTC Count
    YJ Case - View client Context
    YJ Case - Review
    YJ Case - Victim This enables users to view all victim information, including the victim summary pop-up dialog with notes.
    YJ Case - View Victim Summary This restricts users to the victim summary dialog, with no notes. The victim cannot be identified from the information displayed.

    Where no victim permissions are assigned, users can only view the Type (person, organisation, etc.), whether RJ was offered, accepted, and the intervention type, and the Offences against the victim.

    YJ Case - Authorise Breach Process
    YJ Case - Initiate Breach Process
    YJ Case - Lock / Unlock Enables users to lock or unlock YJ cases.
    YJ Case - Interventions Ending
    YJ Case - Parent Carer
    YJ Case - Parenting Interventions
    YJ Case View - Parenting Section
    YJ Case - Referrals Received
    YJ Case - Unallocated Victims
    YJ Case - Unallocated Parenting Interventions
    YJ Case / Notification View
    YJ Client Sections - More
    YJ Client Sections - Visible
    YJ Client Change
    YJ Client Situation Change Hours
    YJ EYE Submission - Admin
    YJ Notification - Add / Open
    YJ Notification - Change
    YJ Notification - Delete
    YJ Plan - Add This permission is not needed following the deactivation of Asset.
    YJ Plan - Change This permission is not needed following the deactivation of Asset.
    YJ Plan - Delete This permission is not needed following the deactivation of Asset.
    YJ Plan - Save As This permission is not needed following the deactivation of Asset.
    YJ Plan - Unlock This permission is not needed following the deactivation of Asset.
    YJ Case Referral - Delete This permission is not needed following the deactivation of Asset.
    YJ Plan Review - Add This permission is not needed following the deactivation of Asset.
    YJ Plan Review - Change This permission is not needed following the deactivation of Asset.
    YJ Plan Review - Delete This permission is not needed following the deactivation of Asset.
    YJ Plan Review - Save As This permission is not needed following the deactivation of Asset.
    YJ Plan Review - Unlock This permission is not needed following the deactivation of Asset.
    YJ Case-ASB Incident Enables users to record new anti-social behaviour incidents (the new button in the ASB Incidents panel is only displayed to users with this permission).
  • Report PermissionsReport Permissions

    Crystal Reports produce a number of templates, mass mail merge documents and reports available in One IYSS. Reports can be selected here for inclusion in the security group permissions. These are accessed by clicking the View Reports hyperlink in the IYSS Links panel of my homepage, or through client, opportunity or provider searches.

    The options here can be configured in the Function area of the One IYSS System Administration Client. The location in which the report is displayed depends on how it is configured.