Sort Sequence Configuration

Before Sort Sequence can be configured the Lookup Header must be configured first.

Lookup Header

To determine whether the values held in each lookup are sorted by the system or by System Administrator-defined sort sequences, you must update the lookup header.

  1. In the One IYSS System Administration Client, select System | Lookup Header.
  2. Double-click the required lookup to display the following dialog:

  1. To sort the values using defined sort sequences, select the Use User Defined Sort Sequence check box.

Not all lookup values are compatible with user-defined sort sequences. Where this is the case, the check box is unavailable.

  1. Click the OK button to save the changes and close the dialog.

Sort Sequence

The Sort Sequence field in lookup dialogs enables you to determine the order in which the values are displayed. Certain value sets have an internal order, and are not just groups of discrete values. If you want to display the values in these sets according to their internal order, you can enter a value in the Sort Sequence field to determine where they are displayed in the list.

Sort Sequences are configured in the individual lookup value dialogs in the One IYSS System Administration Client.

For example, the N,S,M,Q,V value set is a set of association ratings.

When it is sequenced by strength of association (denoted in the Sort Sequence field), it has the following order: