Manage Communications

The People | Communications & complaints page enables you to record, search for and edit all transport-related communications. The page is broken down into the following sections:

  • Search:
    Enables you to search for the details of a specific communication.
  • Addressing Details:
    Enables you to view the selected communication’s senders and recipients.
  • Contents:
    Enables you to view and edit the content of the selected communication.
  • Response:
    Enables you to designate a person to respond to the selected communication and set deadlines for that response to be sent.
  • Complaint Details:
    Enables you to record complaint details and their resulting actions.

You can also access the Communications & complaints page by selecting a passenger or contractor and selecting either view communications or create communication from the actions menu.

In One Transport, the term “communication” refers to all transport-related customer and contractor contact events, while the term “complaints” refers only to those contacts events that have been flagged as complaints. All complaints are communications, but not all communications are complaints.