Manage Personal Information

The People area enables you to view and manage person details within One Transport.

You must select a person before you can manage his or her details. Once selected, you can view or edit a person’s details by selecting the relevant tab and highlighting the desired data item. The following tabs are available on the Personal info page:

  • Personal – enables you to view and edit the person’s personal information.
  • Contact – enables you to view and set contact details for the person.
  • Education – enables you to view and edit the person’s school history.
  • Relationships – enables you to view and edit a person’s carer details, and view whether a person is a carer for anyone else.
  • Status – enables you to view and edit care and court order details for a person, set the person’s home and funding LA, define whether the person is an Asylum Seeker or Student Carer, specify whether the person is involved with Social Services and define whether they are part of a Services or Traveller Family.
  • Special Needs – enables you to view and edit a person’s special transport needs, SEN history and registered disabilities.
  • Financial – enables you to view and edit a person’s Low Income Family (LIF) and Free School Meals (FSM) status.