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Future Behaviour

The Future Behaviour change screen:

C:\Users\tocrowley\Screengrabs (work)\A+\A+PN\EC-FB.png

If a young person has been identified as a risk to children in a prior stage, the The young person has been previously assessed as presenting 'a risk to children'? question is automatically set to Yes and cannot be changed:

Picture 194

Selecting the Yes radio button for the An assessment of dangerousness is required? question triggers the Dangerousness question set.

Picture 195

Selecting No from the Based on your assessment, is there evidence that the young person may commit offences and/or behave in ways that hurt/harm other people in the near future or at certain times/events? drop-down triggers a free text field.

Picture 196

Selecting Yes triggers questions about the young person’s harmful behaviours.

Picture 197

To add behaviour and offence details:

  1. In the Behaviour/offence table, click the add button.
    Picture 198
    The Behaviour/offence details dialog is displayed.
    Picture 199
  2. Select the appropriate options from the drop-downs.
  3. Click the continue button to add the details to the record.
    Picture 200

To delete a row, click the corresponding x icon.

To amend a row, click the corresponding edit icon.

The behaviour or offence is also added to the likelihood of behaviours reoccurring table:

Picture 203

NOTE: You cannot delete the behaviour or offence from this area.

Clicking the edit icon displays a dialog in which you can provide Likelihood and Community/custody detail:

Picture 204

The Likelihood and Community/custody responses are displayed in the Matrix of impact:

Picture 366

Selecting any MAPPA Category other than N/A triggers a Further Exploration question:

Picture 207