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Our Intervention Plan

Our Intervention Plan change screen:

C:\Users\tocrowley\Screengrabs (work)\A+\A+PN\PP-OIP.png

To add a target:

  1. Click the add button.
    Picture 267
    The My Target dialog is displayed:
    Picture 268
  2. Complete the fields as required.
    The text entered in My Target is field forms part of the field descriptions in the rest of the dialog:
    Picture 269
    Picture 270
    Picture 271
  3. Click the continue button to add the target to the record.
    C:\Users\tocrowley\Screengrabs (work)\A+\A+PN\PP-OIP-Added.png
    The target detail can be condensed by clicking the chevrons in the My Target is panel.

To delete a row, click the corresponding x icon.

To amend a row, click the corresponding edit icon.