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Parenting Family and Relationships

Parenting Family and Relationships change screen:

C:\Users\tocrowley\Screengrabs (work)\A+\A+PN\PFSF-PFR.png

Selecting Yes from the Do you have any concerns about the ability of the parents/carers to care for and supervise the young person appropriately? drop-down triggers a Further Exploration question and an additional detail field.

Picture 521

Selecting Yes from the Do you have any concerns about behaviours/situations within the family which may impact on the young person’s safety and wellbeing? drop-down triggers a Further Exploration question and an additional detail field.

Picture 522

Selecting the Currently or Previously radio buttons for the following questions triggers the Is s/he an 'eligible child'? question:

Accommodated by voluntary agreement with parents (s.20 Children Act 1989)

Identified Child in Need (s.17 Children Act 1989)

Subject to a care order (s.31 Children Act 1989)

Remand to local authority accommodation

Remand to Youth Detention accommodation.

Picture 96

Selecting the Currently or Previously radio buttons for the Has the young person ever had a child protection plan? question triggers a Further Exploration question.

Picture 97

To add care history:

  1. Click the add button to display the Care History dialog.
    Picture 99
  2. Select a Category and enter the From and To dates.
  3. Click the continue button to add the information to the record:
    Picture 100

To delete a row, click the x icon.

To amend a row, click the edit icon.

In the Family and Wider Networks area of the subsection, the young person’s significant individual relationships can be added.

To add relationships:

  1. Click the add button.
    Picture 103
    The Significant Relationship dialog is displayed:
    Picture 105
  2. Complete the Individual and Significance fields.
  3. Click the continue button to add the relationship information to the record.
    Picture 109

To delete a row, click the x icon.

To amend a row, click the edit icon.

Selecting Yes from the Do you have any concerns about the young person’s significant relationships? drop-down triggers a Further Exploration question and an additional detail field.

Picture 110

Under the Family and Wider Networks heading, the young person’s key networks and groups can be added.

To add a group or network:

  1. Click the add button.
    Picture 111
    The Network / Group dialog is displayed:
    Picture 112
  2. Complete the fields as required.
  3. Click the continue button to add the network or group information to the record.
    Picture 116

If any of the networks or groups have been flagged as having gang associations, a Further Exploration question is triggered.

Picture 117

To delete a row, click the x icon.

To amend a row, click the edit icon.

Selecting Yes from the Is there any evidence of significant problems in the way the young person relates to others? drop-down triggers a Further Exploration question and an additional details free text field.

Picture 118

Selecting Yes from the Is the young person at risk of sexual exploitation? drop-down triggers a Further Exploration additional details free text field.

Picture 119