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Services and Resources

The Services and Resources change screen:

C:\Users\tocrowley\Screengrabs (work)\A+\A+PN\PP-RP.png

To add new reviews of areas potentially requiring further action:

  1. In the Review of areas possibly requiring further action table, click the add button to display the Further Action dialog.
    Picture 246
  2. Select the Section from the drop-down.
    The Sub-section is automatically populated based on the Section.
  3. Click the continue button to add the review to the record:
    Picture 248

To delete a row, click the corresponding x icon.

To amend a row, click the corresponding edit icon.

To add referrals:

  1. In the Referrals table, click the add button to display the Referral dialog.
    Picture 252
  2. Complete the fields as required.
  3. Click the continue button to add the referral to the record:
    Picture 254

To delete a row, click the corresponding x icon.

To amend a row, click the corresponding edit icon.