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Tailoring Interventions
The Tailoring Interventions change screen:
Selecting the Yes radio button for the Have any special Educational Needs been identified? question triggers the Identified SEN table:
To add special educational needs:
- In the Identified SEN table, click the add button to display the Identified SEN dialog.
- Select the appropriate options.
- Click the continue button to add the Identified SEN to the record.
To delete a row, click the corresponding x icon.
To amend a row, click the corresponding edit icon.
To add specific needs:
- In the Specific need table, click the add button.
The Specific need dialog is displayed.
- Describe the need and how it is being addressed.
- Click the continue button to add the information to the record:
To delete a row, click the corresponding x icon.
To amend a row, click the corresponding edit icon.