Update a Non IYSS Client

To open a client record in OneIYSS, the record must be marked as ‘IYSS’. If you search for a client who exists in the One database as a student but is not yet marked as an IYSS client, the message Non IYSS Client is displayed in the search results. You cannot open the record until additional CCIS data has been added, as described in the procedure below.

  1. From the results of a client search, click on the client’s Name you want to update to display the Update Client – New Situation dialog.
  2. Select Statutory Education situation for the client from the dropdown list.

Picture 20

  1. Click the new button to display the New Situation dialog.

Picture 39

  1. Enter the name of the client’s statutory education provider in the Enter a provider….search box, then click the search button to display the search results.

Picture 40

  1. Select the required provider from the search results, then click the continue button to display the Live Opportunities for Provider: dialog.

Picture 42

  1. Select the required year group for the client, then click the continue button.

In the New Statutory Education section:

  • Enter the date the client started.
  • Select a course level, e.g. GCSEs.
  1. Click the continue button to display the Update Client - Further Details dialog.

Picture 21

  1. Complete the fieldsfields in each section.



    Managing Team

    Mandatory: Select the Team who takes responsibility for the client.

    Managing Centre

    Mandatory: Select the Centre who takes responsibility for the client.

    Actual Qualification Level

    Non Mandatory: If the client has sat qualifications, select their overall academic level.

    Supported Level

    Mandatory: Select the client’s level of need.

    Lead Worker

    Mandatory: Select the member of staff whose caseload the client will be assigned to.

    Final Education Details

    If the client has left education:

    1. Click the New button to display the Add Final Education Provider dialog.

    2. Enter the date the client left education.

    3. Search for, then select the client’s education provider.

    4. Click the Continue button.

    Key Client of mine

    Mandatory: Select the check box to make the client a key client on your caseload.

    Email me when this client is updated

    Non Mandatory: Select to be notified via email if a colleague updates this record.

    Type of link required on my homepage

    Non Mandatory: If you selected Key Client of Mine (above), select one of the following:

    None: The client does not appear in the Key Client portal on My Homepage.

    Permanent: The client appears in the Key Client portal on my homepage until you deselect it, using the Key Client options.

    Temporary: Client only appears in the Key Client portal when the record has been updated by a colleague.

  2. Click continue to display the Update Confirmation dialog.
  3. Click continue again to return to the client record.