Attendance – New Covid-19 Related Extended Absence Codes for England (3.74)


The DfE has requested that new attendance subcodes are made available for schools to use.

So that Local Authorities can take advantage of the additional granularity of reasons provided by the new codes at a pupil level for their local analysis to support covid-19 measures, the 3-character codes used in schools will be translated into single character codes for transfer to Local Authorities in files following the B2B schema and from a number of 3rd party aggregator services.

The translations are described in the code mapping table below.

Note that schools are still able to use just the main codes ‘X’ or ‘I’ and data transferred through CTF’s between schools or between schools and LAs will continue to transfer the main codes only, aggregated up from the subcodes.

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Scripts are available for 3.72 and 3.73, see KB0044251

Helpfiles updated

Attendance Code Definitions




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