B2B – Import Student Exclusion Category and Exclusion Reasons details (3.83)


To allow import of multiple exclusions, if the incoming CBDS value for Exclusion Category and Exclusion Reason is a code OR a description it is mapped to the One system CBDS codes as follows:

  • B2B XML file <Category> tag
    CBDS Exclusion Category (N00026) or if not present type_code
  • B2B XML file <Reason> tag
    CBDS Exclusion Reason (N00685) or if not present reason_code
  • B2B XML file <Reason> tag
    CBDS Exclusion Reason 2 (N00686) or if not present reason_code
  • B2B XML file <Reason> tag
    CBDS Exclusion Reason 3 (N00687) or if not present reason_code


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