Technical – Crystal Reports Upgrade Required. 3.72 is only Compatible with Crystal Reports runtime v13.0.40 (3.72)


3.72 is only Compatible with Crystal Reports runtime v13.0.40. You must upgrade Crystal Reports.

The One Spring 2020 Release (3.71) is not compatible with the Crystal Reports runtime v13.0.40, and likewise, the One Summer 2020 Release (3.72) is not compatible with Crystal Reports runtime v13.0.20.

You can only have one instance of the Crystal Reports runtime installed on a server, even if you have two instances of One v4 Online located on the same server, e.g. a live environment running One 3.71 and a test environment running One 3.72. If you upgrade the runtime on the application server to v13.0.40, reporting functionality in your live environment will break until you upgrade to One 3.72.


Upgrade to Crystal Reports Runtime 13.0.40


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