IYSS – NCCIS Checker Tool (v1.1.0)


2020-21 Rule changes

  • Installation instructions
    Installation instructions are now included as the install guide is no longer being published.
  • September Guarantee error codes
    New September Guarantee error codes have been added to prevent LAs recording a Y12 code against a Y11 aged young person and to inform LAs when a young person is either too young or too old for a September Guarantee offer.

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  • Error code 306
    A change has been made to the description for error code 306, regarding young people not being able to be counted as both SEND and SEN Support Flag.

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  • Activity 440
    A change has been made to ‘Activity 440’ which was previously ‘Training through the Work Programme’. It is now ‘DWP training and support programme’.
  • Activity does not have either a Start Date or a Verification Date on or after the start of the current academic year
    Error code 909 has been added under All activities for Young people of compulsory education age to confirm that activities must have a Start or Verification Date on or after the start of the current academic year.

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  • A change to ethnicity categories to include ‘Black British’
    On the Ethnicity tab in the Activities of Year 12 and 13 page, a new column has been added for ‘Black British (BBRI)’ which aggregates to ‘Black or Black British’
  • Change to Intended Destinations
    The Intended Destination field will now be set to optional rather than mandatory. It won’t be removed from the XSD schema as it can still be used by LA’s if they wish.The Error code 301 will be removed because this field is no longer mandatory. The field will still be checked for valid data if data is present (Error code 302).
  • Errors page to show total errors by cohort
    The Errors page has been amended to show errors by cohort.

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Documents Updated

NCCIS Checker Tool Handbook

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