Statutory – New import file specification for importing new Aspects of EYFSP (3.74)


Due to Covid-19 Pandemic, the DfE have cancelled the EYFSP data return. Local Authorities will not export the EYFSP assessment return for any maintained school or private, voluntary and independent early years setting. However, some schools can still provide the assessment result files to their Local Authorities. Therefore, we have made provision in our system to support only the import of the 2021 assessment result files.

For 2021 assessment result files, we have created 2 new import file specification to import through:

  • EYFSP Early Adopter FastTrack
  • EYFSP Early Adopter Manual

These files are to be used if the EYFSP results are being imported as a CSV file and they are an early adopter.

For schools using the existing framework, where importing via a CSV file, the import file specifications EYFSP Fast Track and EYFSP Manual can still be used.

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