Technical – Upgrade to Crystal Reports 2020 (3.84)


Upgrade to Crystal Reports 2020

The Education Autumn 3.84 release only supports SAP Crystal Reports 2020. Crystal Reports 2016 is no longer supported from this release.

Customers who share resources/infrastructure for both Live and Test should note that special arrangements need to be made when upgrading Test to 3.84. Specific details are going to be shared at the time of the release (forecast to be on 11 November).

In summary, users are instructed not to install Crystal Reports 2020 into Test, and to only install this when upgrading Live environments. This does mean that customers are not going to be able to test Crystal Reports 2020 in Test. This is one of the consequences of sharing infrastructure for multiple environments.

Only one instance of the Crystal Report runtime application can be installed per server – it is not possible to install both 2016 and 2020 runtimes on the same server.

More details can be found in this SAP KB: SAP Knowledge Base

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