Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: KPI Tables (3.83)


A new option for KPI Tables has been added to the IYSS Links section of my homepage.

Although the tables themselves have all been developed and included in this release, development on the logic to calculate and populate these tables with data, is still ongoing.

The KPI tables automatically populate with data from the latest YJMIS run and each time you re-run YJMIS, the KPI tables automatically refresh to display the latest figures from the newest YJMIS run.

The KPI tables allow you to preview the numbers being reported in the YJMIS KPIs prior to submitting to the YJB.  Click on each of the numbers in the KPI tables to present a list of which young people make up those numbers.  Use the browser tools to screenshot or extract the list if needed, to support any manual data cleaning needed to correct your data prior to submission.

Click image to enlarge. Use browser back button to return.

The following options can be selected:

Click image to enlarge. Use browser back button to return.


A new permission has been added under security groups called YJ KPI Tables to allow users access to the KPI Tables link under IYSS Links from the Homepage.

Although this permission is visible in the software, it is inactive by default and we strongly advise customers not to assign this permission to users until the KPI developments have been completed.  When the completed KPI developments are released to customers, this permission can be activated locally as required.

If customers activate the permission in this release, the KPI tables are visible, but they do not populate with any data due to the ongoing development in this area.

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