Services – Implementation and Training Packages

We can provide training on any of our One Education solutions as well as offer packages for a successful implementation of a new Product.

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Admissions and Transfers Citizen Portal – Implementation Package

Managing school places is never an easy task, not least because the process can involve complex parental enquiries, where detailed knowledge of each application is crucial.

The Citizen Portal for Admissions and Transfers is a powerful extension to the core A&T Module providing a convenient online self-service portal for all school applications across your authority, it simplifies the whole process, empowering parents and carers by giving them access to what they need.

Because the portal is accessed by families and the back-office elements of One Admissions & Transfers are fully integrated, there’s no need for local authority admissions teams to manually add applications, streamlining the management of admissions. With a detailed, easily referenceable history to hand, teams also have all the information they need to manage admissions enquiries, validation and offers, more efficiently and freeing up resources to be invested where they will have the greatest impact.

This work package provides your admissions team with a streamlined project to work to efficiently implement this powerful addition to the A&T Backoffice module.

We will support and guide you from beginning to your first offers being made to parents; sharing good practice from different Local Authorities: working in partnership so you get the most out of the module and can offer a good service to your parents.

Admissions In Year Citizen Portal – Implementation Package

Managing In-Year requests to change school places is never an easy task, not least because the process can involve complex parental enquiries, where detailed knowledge of each application is crucial.

The volume of applications to relocate can be in region of 10% of the total school population, who want to move between schools including new incomers to your local authority.

The Citizen Portal for Admissions and Transfers is a powerful extension to the core A&T Module. A convenient online self-service portal for all school applications across your authority. It simplifies the whole process, empowering parents and carers by giving them access to what they need. Typically, it is used for end of phase transfers, but it can be configured to manage In-Year applications.

Because the portal is accessed by families and the back-office elements of One Admissions & Transfers are fully integrated, there’s no need for local authority admissions teams to manually add applications, streamlining the management of admissions. With a detailed, easily referenced history to hand, teams also have all the information they need to manage admissions enquiries, validation and offers, more efficiently and freeing up resources to be invested where they will have the greatest impact.

This work package will provide your admissions team with a streamlined project to work to efficiently implement this powerful addition to the A&T Backoffice module.

We will support and guide you from beginning to your first offers being made to parents; sharing good practice from different Local Authorities: working in partnership so you get the most out of the module and can offer a good service to your parents.

Admissions Provider Portal – Implementation Package

The landscape is changing from maintained schools to own admissions authority schools. The Portal for School Admissions engages schools with the admissions process.

The Portal for Admissions and Transfers is a powerful extension to the core A&T Module. Providing a convenient online self-service portal for all school applications across your authority. It simplifies the whole process, empowering schools by allowing access to applications, updating ranks and having a real time view of offers.

This package provides your admissions team with a streamlined project to efficiently implement this powerful addition to the A&T Backoffice module.

We support and guide you from the beginning. Making your first applications available to schools and sharing good practice from different Local Authorities. Working in partnership so you get the most out of the module and can offer a good service to your schools.

B2B Student and Attendance – Implementation Package

The B2B student module is a key tool to managing children’s data. It is vital that the implementation of B2B Student v4 is well planned and causes minimal disruption to normal working. We will get the first pilot school imported into One, taking care to take stock of the data before import, during, and the changes. Then support you to roll out the implementation to more schools.

As the local authority you are responsible for safeguarding all children living in your area. Day to day, most children offer no concern, however poor attendance, exclusions, and children leaving schools and not reappearing, should raise flags to monitor. While students who have never been in a school is a part of the issue, those children in school, should also be in the One database, their data being in line with schools and accurate.

Getting B2B established can be a daunting process, it involves making sure the SIMS school has the correct setup, so we work with you to establish a pilot set of schools. In addition, there are impacts to B2B Student & Attendance incoming student data conflicting with data in One. This work package will identify data quality and make recommendations about how to get your data in sync.

Once B2B for the SIMS schools is established it will be the foundation for importing data from non B2B schools which we can signpost you towards.

Children in Entertainment and Employment (CIEE) – Implementation Package

The Children in Employment and Entertainment (CIEE) is part of the Applications module within One v4 Online. These are two separately licensed modules, Children in Employment and Children in Entertainment. Although there is some shared functionality, each module has specially tailored tools.

The Children in Employment module is used to maintain child employment applications, employer details and the generation of work permits when an application is approved. The module can also maintain the working hours and licence conditions for each application.

The Children in Entertainment module is used to maintain applications and to issue licences to children involved in entertainment and to maintain chaperone applications including the recording of all the registration processes and generation of chaperone licences. This module also maintains the details of each employer, including details of performances, associated child performers and records and maintains applications raised by employers, chaperones or students.

One Children in Employment fully meets the requirements of the Children and Young Persons Act 1963, designed to protect the welfare of children and young people in work.

We recommend all sites take up this Implementation service as a minimum as this will ensure your CiEE team implements the CiEE Module successfully at the basic level.

Early Years – Better Start – Implementation Package

The Better Start module allows providers to record, with permission, their Child Progress data in the Provider Portal. This is then transferred to your Local Authority One v4 Database. The Provider can also make changes and submit them as scores change. Allowing the Local Authority to monitor younger children’s progress much more easily.

This functionality means there is no longer a requirement to gather this information from providers manually and the process of updating and changing the information is streamlined. Improving the speed and quality of data flow and keeping attainment data up to date in a central system.

Early Years – Citizen Portal 30 Hours – Implementation Package

The aim of this solution is to assist authorities, providers and parents to ensure the smooth delivery of Citizen Portal 30 hours to meet the Government’s Delivery Support Fund agenda and beyond.

Parents see personalised check results information. For example, when their child could start receiving the extended funding based on their age and local and national funding policies (this information is not provided as part of the DfE’s Eligibility Checking Service).

With the parent’s consent, detailed results of their check can be shared digitally with the providers including the earliest 30 hours funded start date.
Providers also see the additional information if they need to run checks to assist parents.

A Parental Dashboard shows changes to their 30 hour eligibility based on updating details with HMRC. Parents have instant access to all 30 hours related information, including details of providers offering 30 hours, to enable them to make more informed decisions about childcare.

Early Years – Provider Portal Headcount – Implementation Package

The Headcount module allows Providers, with permission, to record their Child Funding data in the Provider Portal. This transfers to your Local Authority One Database. The Provider can make changes and submit them until Headcount closes. Allowing the Local Authority to monitor children’s finances much more easily.

This means there is no longer a requirement to gather this information from providers, either on paper or via spreadsheets. Streamlining the process of updating and changing the information and improving the speed and quality of data flow. Keeping the financial data up to date in the Early Years central system.

Early Years – Self Update Provider Portal (SUPP) – Implementation Package

The SUPP module allows providers, with permission, to check their own service details currently recorded in your Local Authority One v4 Database. Providers can make changes and submit them. At the Local Authority end, the Early Years Team can easily identify and view the providers that have made changes and approve or reject them.

The Local Authority no longer needs to request providers to complete paperwork or to have to contact the Local Authority with any changes, for the Early Years Team to manually update.

During the Spring Census the Local Authority opens the portal for Census collection. Providers can submit the details for the LA to use in the Early Years upload to Collect.

Improving the speed and quality of change flow and keeping Providers Service details as current and accurate as can be provided.

Early Years – Two Year Old Funding Portal – Implementation Package

TYOF portal creates an easy environment for parents to get assistance with their TYOF checks. If they prefer more control of their data, they can self-register and apply the check through the One Citizen Self Service Portal.

The One Early Years module provides a comprehensive recording mechanism to support Early Years teams to manage the Early Years provision within their LA. Includes the management and generation of payments, administration of the headcount process and the ability to record information to support and evidence the quality assurance work undertaken. The TYOF Portal supports the self-service and assisted application checks for eligibility which directly control the funding that can be applied against a child record.

Due to the business-critical nature of this solution it is vital that local authorities implement this portal in a structured way. Ensuring a smooth and seamless implementation of the EY module and the maximum realisation of benefits.

Local authorities can benefit from the vast experience of our dedicated EY delivery team. EY Specialists can guide Local Authorities through the implementation process. The EY delivery team have worked closely with our product development team over several years. They have guided many authorities through migrations onto our latest platform and brand-new implementations of the module.

It is important to us that all local authorities have access to our team of EY Specialists. Receiving support and guidance where necessary. Ensuring that the implementation process runs smoothly. Effectively managing resources and ensuring local authorities receive support when required. We have created a detailed One Early Years TYOF Implementation Programme.

Early Years V4 – Implementation Package

The One Early Years v4 module provides a comprehensive recording mechanism. Supporting Early Years teams to manage the Early Years provision within their LA. Includes the management and generation of payments, administration of the headcount process and the ability to record information to support and evidence the quality assurance work undertaken. The module has integrations with our Headcount and Two-Year-Old Eligibility Portals. There are further online developments to support the collection of Attainment and Provider Census information through the Better Start and Self Update Portals.

Due to the business-critical nature of this solution it is vital that local authorities implement this module in a structured way. Ensuring a smooth and seamless implementation of the module and the maximum realisation of benefits.

Local authorities can benefit from the vast experience of our dedicated EY delivery team. EY Specialists guide Local Authorities through the implementation process. The EY delivery team have worked closely with our product development team over several years. They have guided many authorities through migrations onto our latest platform and brand-new implementations of the module.

It is important to us that all local authorities have access to our team of EY Specialists and receive support and guidance where necessary. Ensuring that the implementation process runs smoothly. To effectively manage resources and ensure local authorities receive support when required, we have created a detailed Early Years v4 Implementation Programme.

Family Information Directory (FID) – Implementation Package

The Family Information Directory (FID) provides a single comprehensive directory of childcare information, facilities, and publications readily available to the local community. The software provides parents, carers, prospective parents, and other interested members of the public with convenient, easy to use information on local childcare provision.

The portal provides an interactive tool that highlights the location of provision and services in proximity to the enquirer’s place of work or home. Providing a more efficient enquiry process, enabling real time responses to be provided.

If you are collecting data from providers via the Provider Portal Self Update, this data can feed the FID directory. In addition, you can maintain details for Early Years providers. Using Early Years to maintain details for services to the wider family and publish these details to the FIS site too.

Using the Export mechanism, you can import data from Ofsted into holding tables in One. This means you can monitor changes to registration and create new provider based on their official registration process.

Because the FID portal is accessed by families, we support you to setup, test and finally launch to parents.

Free School Meals Citizen Portal – Implementation Package

Eligibility for Free School Meals is more than a funded lunch for a child. It opens entitlement to additional funding to support their education within the school. Overall it is a key indicator of social deprivation for the Local authority.

The Citizen Portal for Free School Meals is extension to Grants and Benefits module. Implementing the Citizen Portal module digitizes the process. But more important than that, it allows the parent to apply and check their eligibility at the point of application.

Because the portal is accessed by families and the One Grants and Benefits are fully integrated, there’s no need for local authority teams to manually add applications once the parent is matched or added, streamlining the management of claims. Freeing up resources to be invested where they will have the greatest impact which is supporting parents who fail the validation of their eligibility.

This package provides your Grants and Benefits team with a streamlined project to work to efficiently implement this powerful addition to the G&B module.

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Grants & Benefits with Citizen Portal for Free School Meals – Implementation Package

Eligibility for Free School Meals is more than a funded lunch for a child. It opens entitlement to additional funding to support their education within the school. It is a key indicator of social deprivation for the Local authority.

The Grants and Benefits module is the foundation for the Citizen Portal for Free School Meals. Implementing both modules together makes perfect sense to getting the maximum benefit from your investment in time and resources.

The Citizen Portal and One Grants and Benefits are fully integrated. As families use the portal, once the once a parent is matched or added, there is no need for local authority teams to manually add applications, streamlining the management of claims. Freeing up resources to be invested where they have the greatest impact, which is supporting parents who fail the validation of their eligibility.

This package provides your Grants and Benefits team with a streamlined project to work to, efficiently implement this both modules as a single project.

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Integrated Youth Support Service (IYSS) – Implementation Package

One Integrated Youth Support Services (IYSS) is an intuitive case management system providing real-time access to a single, shared view of a young person. Helping teams from different youth-related services work together more efficiently.

By supporting teams to meet recording, reporting and monitoring responsibilities more easily, One IYSS helps free Practitioners’ time to spend with the young people who need them most. Helping them to protect young people from falling through gaps in the system. Youth Service teams can draw on the core information held already within One, removing the need to re-enter data. All tasks and interactions with the young person can be logged. Referrals to other support agencies can be tracked. Thus eliminating duplication of effort, and ensuring all interactions are known and planned.

To help you meet statutory obligations, it is quick and simple to analyse and measure any contact, participation rates and young people not in education and employment or training. Also making it easy to generate the monthly return for the National Client Caseload Information System (CCIS).

SEND Portal – Implementation Package

The One Education SEND Portal enables the Local Authority to provide a means for Parents, Young People and Professionals to:
 Contribute to Education Health and Care Plans
 Request an assessment, and/or
 Contribute to the assessment process.
 Gathering the Views of the Young Person and/or Family
 Feedback as part of the Draft Plan creation process
 Sharing Documentation including the EHCP document itself and any advice that has been submitted
 Annual Review Data Collection

Local Authorities can expose specific Forms created within Form Builder over a secure Portal. Allowing non-One users to submit information that can be added to the rest of the content of the child/young person’s plan or form part of an assessment.

Authorities can create as many Forms as they need to collect any relevant information to support the EHC/SEND process. LAs could also choose to publish an ‘assessment request’ form to parents and/or schools, allowing assessment requests to be made online.

We recommend all sites take up this implementation service as a minimum. This ensures your SEND team implements the SEND Portal successfully at the basic level. Additional options available allow Local Authorities the opportunity to review their use of the SEN module, ensuring the implementation is maximising benefits for users and are supported in achieving this.

Please Note – teams not using or familiar with the Form Builder functionality require additional services to effectively make use of the SEND Portal implementation service.

Transport Citizen Portal – Implementation Package

This package supports Local Authorities to implement the Citizen Portal to allow for more efficiently managing the Transport application process for both the parent and the Local Authority.

The key benefits of implementing the Transport Portal are:
 One communication method for parents and Local Authorities.
 Parents able to apply quickly and easily for home to school travel for their child(ren).
 Results of assessments shared directly with parents.
 A totally customisable online interface allows LA the flexibility to ask specific questions relevant to home to school travel.

Transport Route Optimisation – Implementation Package

Route Optimisation provides a crucial tool in achieving Transport efficiency savings. Utilising vehicles to their maximum benefit, saving money, time and administration.

We have complied a range of service days to support you through the key aspects of the implementation process. These will help you achieve the maximum benefit from your Route Optimisation software and ensure you get the best out of the functionality available.

Route Optimisation links with Transport v4 to provide a seamless transition.

There are two separate products to assist your Transport Team achieve maximum benefit:
 Route And Vehicle Allocation (RAVA) For mainstream pupil Transport administration.
 Special Educational Needs Vehicle Management (SEN VM) For SEN pupils or those with special transport needs. To help you achieve maximum optimisation of vehicles.

This page contains details of the services available to set-up both products as one project.

Transport V4 – Implementation Package

Transport V4 has been developed and refined in conjunction with our customer base. It is designed to reflect and support the core business processes of a Local Authority Transport team.

Transport V4 introduces key concepts which are designed to speed up the processing of Transport application for users. In addition, with increased use of GIS v4 within the Transport module, users can gain additional efficiencies in their business processes by maximising the benefits of this optional aspect of the module.

The implementation process also includes a review of current business procedures with recommendations on how to make efficiency savings (if necessary).

The Transport v4 implementation services have been designed to assist your Local Authority to implement the module successfully. We recommend all sites take up the Core service as a minimum as this will ensure your Transport team implements the module successfully at the basic level. The additional options available means that Las who wish ensure the implementation is bringing about the maximum benefits for its users are supported in achieving this.

Youth Justice (YJ) – Implementation Package

One Education is the leading supplier of information systems to children and family services. Delivering solutions that help support early intervention and prevention work with young people.

One Youth Justice is an intuitive case management system helping youth offending teams work more efficiently. Freeing up time for practitioners to spend directly with young people.

AssetPlus in One Youth Justice provides a dynamic, single assessment for young people. Evolving with their personal circumstances and adapting in line with criminal justice process events. Saving time for practitioners by automatically updating information from the case file.

Interactive tools include navigational aids, graphical representation, and prompts. Providing practitioners with the full picture for informed decision-making. Ensuring the right support is put in place quickly and as early as possible.



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